Kissing? Could never be me.

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Your lying down on your bed. Crying. Thinking about how you could see your imaginary crush in a random boys body. The perfect one you've created! That's not even the best part. It's that, It's so amazing in your head. The created reality you've made clashing with reality itself. Kissing your hand, but in your head kissing the boy you named "Jacob", or the girl you imagined "Arianna". You know how there lips feel, how they look at you, how they treat you. Your craving it so much. You know that you must keep it going in your head because once it stops your created reality clashing with reality, makes you depressed, hopeless. That's everyday though. Everyday you wake up and it's the same thing. You get ready for work, school even for church. Your head screams at you begging for more. You've become addicted for a real kiss. It's okay, force a smile. They can't know what desires you have inside because once they find out it's over. The end of your love life. Keep it in the bedroom. Remember, your dreams will come true, But only in your head.

My love life is in my head (Hopeless Romantic)Where stories live. Discover now