Baseball, Baby

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Frankie Dudley says, "Schadenfreude, let me hold the baby."

Schadenfreude hands baby Happy Inkwell to Frankie, they were sitting in a baseball stadium.

Baseball, the national pastime of millions. Both young and old.

Frankie begins feeding Happy with a bottle and asks, "Do you think you could catch a ball?"

Schadenfreude remarks, "Hopefully I can."

The Boars Baseball Club took on The Aster City Squeezers. 'Babe' Bob Bonds, a big, brown boar wearing a white and dark blue baseball uniform, stepped up to the plate while holding a bat.

Frankie cradling Happy says, "I'm so glad the weather is good for a game."

'Babe' Bob Bonds points in the general direction of Frankie, Happy, and Schadenfreude in the bleachers while looking at the pitcher...calling his shot.

"He pointed at us!" Happy exclaims.

The pitcher throws a curveball and 'Babe' Bob Bonds swings. The ball is going, going, going, high into the stands....and it is a home run! Schadenfreude sticks out a paw and catches the ball as Bob rounded the base, waving to Frankie with his left paw. When Bonds crossed home plate, he could no longer hide his smile.

"You caught the baseball!" Frankie exclaims.

"Baseball!" Happy shouts.

"Maybe he'll sign it?!" Schadenfreude wonders aloud excitedly.

After the game...

Schadenfreude leads the way to approach 'Babe' Bob Bonds.

"Baby Bob! Can you sign this ball?" Frankie asks.

Bob's smile turns into a scowl.

"Baby Bob, can you sign this ball?" 'Babe' Bob Bonds questions.

"What?" Frankie questions.

Bob responds, "That's a clown question, bro."

Frankie backs off, holding the baby close. Bob walks by Frankie, Happy, and Schadenfreude. Schadenfreude frowns.

"What did I say?" Frankie questions.

"I think you called him 'Baby Bob'..." Schadenfreude responds.

"Oh darn it," Frankie says.

Schadenfreude says, "It's okay. You didn't know."

"Are a baba!?" Happy asks Bob.

Bob glares at Happy and storms out of the stadium.

Happy stares in baby.

Schadenfreude says, "Maybe next time I can get his signature."

Frankie says, "I feel like we made a mistake."

Schadenfreude hugs Frankie.

Schadenfreude says, "I forgive you."

Frankie hugs Schadenfreude, Happy hugs him too. Schadenfreude smiles.

Frankie says, "We should have a charity event."

Schadenfreude says, "I love charity! We can invite the teams over for a charity game. Maybe Bob will sign my ball."

Frankie responds, "Yeah! Exactly what I was thinking."

Later at the start of the charity game...

Bob, 'Babe' Bob Bonds, was advancing to the bat. There was ease in Bob's manner as he stepped into his place. There was pride in Bob's bearing and a smile on his face. No stranger in the crowd could doubt it was Bob at the bat.

Frankie Dudley goes up to the pitcher's mound. Frankie was representing Lockjaw Corporation as the special guest pitcher for the game. Frankie grabs the ball and readying it. Defiance gleamed in Bob's eye, a sneer curled Bob's lip. Frankie throws the ball. Bob stood watching with haughty grandeur. The ball unheeded sped.

Bob said, "That ain't my style."

The umpire shouts, "Strike one!"

Frankie throws another ball. But Bob still ignored it.

The umpire shouts, "Strike two!!"

Frankie throws the last ball. Bob swings, the air is shattered by the force of Bob's blow. Bob's white pants slide off revealing a diaper.

But there is no joy in Aster City --- 'Babe' Bob Bonds has struck out.

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