chapter01:The idea after the tragedy

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The flowers are starting to wither and the sun's rays getting rudder, it's summer, the only reason I might love summer is there is no study,

I'm not a social person, I have like two friends one of them is gone,

, I've always loved my loneliness 'I have some friends here and there, it's the first of August at eight o'clock in the morning, also not a  morning person I don't even know why I'm awake, anyway I'm browsing through some news on the neighborhood page.

And here's where I poured the hot coffee, without feeling a thing

, God, two young men  and a girl  committed suicide' in their twenties,  It wasn't a mass suicide

I woke up from that shock, rushing to my friend Tom  who lives next door to us, to ask him what's going on, he was also surprised.

Tom has been my best friend since childhood, he's the kind of person you'll never get tired of, he always has those ideas that might catch your eye, and he's a social person unlike me.

 So We started talking, he knew them very well, he said, 'The strange thing about it is that they committed suicide at strange times, and what's stranger than that is that they weren't suicidal people or drug addicts.

I said to myself, something is going on, 'nothing makes sense,' and then he told me, 'not only this, a lot of young people in our neighborhood have gone crazy like lost their minds.'

And no one cares, nobody notices anything, and it's like everyone has become robots. I'm sure there's something evil that drives these poor people to their deaths. We have to do something about it.

I knew at that moment that one of his ideas had come to him, and I certainly wouldn't refuse

 i said 'You know the answer beforehand I'm in'

We took it very seriously, and our goal was that the death of these young people would not be in vain.

We live in an upscale neighborhood, so the news wasn't broadcast on TV to keep the neighborhood silly. That wasn't our first concern." We agreed to open an investigation for both the victims and their lives and the suspects as well, then start narrowing it down. Circle

just Like the professionals, we've been influenced by detective novels. Sherlock and his ilk

We started investigating their close friends and school friends, even internet friends, we couldn't talk to their families because those incidents were still new, and we wanted to keep it a secret.

We were recording most of the answers and then reviewed them and analyzing them. Most of the answers were normal. They were normal people, they had some problems like anyone, but we didn't consider that as a motive.

We didn't stop there, nothing could diminish our motivation, Tom and I have always been people with great emotions and we saw something that no one saw, so the choice was in our hands

A lot of research here and there, a huge amount of information, 'It's time to narrow down.' "We have dedicated our own place to work quietly, my bedroom ,,, we started filtering all that information and putting everything that might be useful and hanging it on the wall

We didn't know anything about the girl no one knew her beforehand  Only some of the people she was dealing with,

But fortunately for our hug, one of our friends was her neighbor, he said, she moved here recently, she was living alone and no one was visiting her, she was a girl with a mess,

we didn't know about her death until two days later, the police said it was suicide but her hands we tied with a string., Weird

I said to myself that the girl committed suicide while she was handcuffed and the other boy in the early morning and the third was fairly normal ٍ living a happy life, why? And this answer lies directly in front of me, they weren't in their minds, they were somehow forced,

the girl was fighting for her life

Or maybe they were under threat, or there was some kind of drug that went viral that made them do it,

It's been a week since the tragedy, we didn't stop reviewing what we reviewed, waiting for the opportunity to talk to their families.

The next morning I woke up to the phone ringing 'It's my friend' There's another suicide 'But this time an old man, I panicked'

I felt that I was not useful, people are still dying, in that abuse, I knew that my companion was right when he told me that there is evil wandering here,

The man had a family and children, no one expected that he would take his life in that way. He shot himself on the roof of his house,


This evil was not only targeting young people in the prime of life, but why, and how, all these questions that have become that strong wind in me, why do he do what he does, everything has become slow from the beginning.

The investigation turned upside down, we are now looking for the next victim instead of the villain himself, we had no idea about the identity of the murderer or his shape or even what it was if he was human or a demon, perhaps a demon that lives in people

The more enthusiastically and exciting it, the more tragedy is above everything

The more enthusiastically and exciting it, the more tragedy is above everything

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