Getting to Encanto

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Y/N was in the car while listening to music so you don't have to listen to your siblings fighting and your dad getting annoyed 

About you:

Name: Y/N L/N 

NN: Denise da Menzies or Pretty Girl/Boy

Age; 15

Siblings: 3

Abigail/Abby, age 13

Jeremiah(bear),age 11

Ricky Jr(Peanut), age 8


Jennifer L/N Age 32

Ricky L/N Age 33















Readers POV: we were arriving at our new house and what was the first thing I saw, a muscle lady she looked gorgeous I'm not gonna lie but after my parents, my siblings and I had gotten greeted by muscle lady and an old lady who seemed to be the Mayer or person who runs the town but anyways


After a few hours, we unpacked most of the stuff


No one POV:

" MIJA CAN YOU TAKE YOUR SIBLINGS ON A WALK I WANNA REST" Y/N's mom yelled at her because she knew that Y/N wasn't going to respond if she had talked to them normally "DO I HAVE TO MAMA" Y/N yelled back "YES YOU DO YOU LITTLE SHIT" your mom replied with an annoying laugh

so you reluctantly got dressed

Camilo's POV:

I was arguing with my twin brother about Mirabell's Favorite cousin then when he went quiet when I realized he was looking at someone " uh Carlos who are you staring at..?" I asked confused "h-huh I am NOT staring at anyone Camilo," he said staring at someone " uh huh well are you going to tell me Who or What caught your attention?" I asked curiously " oh ya sure you see them with the 3 kids by them," he said "yeah I do and I understand why you were staring they are fine as," I said somewhat smugly (i have no idea if that's a word or not even tho it most likely isn't) "oh shut up but yah they are fine asf"

Carlos' POV: 

My twin brother and I were arguing over something stupid but he kept talking so as soon as I was about to hit him the new girl/boy in town caught my eye and shut up and started staring without realizing it, then I hear my little brother ask (i have no idea which one is younger but ima just say that Carlos is older) " uh Carlos who are you staring at....?" As soon as he said that I realized I was staring at them " I replied getting a bit flushed " h-huh I was NOT staring at any one Camilo" at this I was just embarrassed but he then said "uh huh well are you going to tell me Who or What caught your attention?" he asked me with curiosity written all over his face like a curious puppy "oh yah you see them with the 3 kids by them" I replied "yah them" he then replied with "yah I do understand why you were starting they are fine asf" which I was somewhat shocked to hear but he wasn't wrong "oh shut up but yah they are fine asf"

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