Chapter 1

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(3rd person of view)
The straw hat pirates were walking towards rocks, sun about to set and the freezing weather beginning to appear. " I'm so hungry" someone with a straw hat on said while holding his stomach. He sits with his back on the rocks, not until his crew scream as they see a body in-front of them on the sand.

"Would you shut up I'm trying to sleep" said the body they though was dead.
The body turned its head towards them. "Huh" the body and two other black haired people one with freckles and the other with a scar under his eye say at the same time.

(Alice's POV)
"ALICE" Luffy says as he stretches his hand to hug me. His crew looking at me with shocked and confused looks " isn't that the girl from whitebeard's crew?" a girl with ginger hair and a long nosed boy whispered , Ace only smirked and sits next to Luffy." Oi Luffy who is she" now that I take a good look his crew mate he looks pretty familiar to Yasopp, I wonder if he's the son he talks nonstop about.
"She's my sister""..................EHHHHHHH?!?!" They shout out loud , "I guess it's a family reunion" I said while laughing. Luffy then sat next to me chuckling. "So Alice how's it been?" Ace asked, " Not much really" suddenly Luffy's stomach grumbles " I'll go prepare the food" a person with yellow hair and swirly eyebrows said, and then Luffy's crew started helping around.

(Time skip)

(3rd person of view)

( note: the crew introduced themselves at dinner so she knows their names)

Later on after dinner while every one was setting up the tents, Luffy asks Alice "Why are you in Albasta" , "I have a mission here" Alice answers with everyone looking at her not understanding what 'mission' means, "wait what do you mean 'mission'" Ussop asks , "I'll trust you guys and tell you this, since your Luffy's crew but I'm in the revolutionary army" everyone was shocked but Ace. Luffy was confused though(cuz he doesn't know what the revolutionary army is).

"join my crew" " she's already in white beards crew " Ussop said 

"Actually I'm not in his crew, the journalists just misunderstood things I was just visiting " Alice said to Nami and Ussop who's jaws are dropped on the floor hearing Alice talking casually about Whitebeard's crew.

Luffy jumps and hugs chopper, " Alice come and see how warm chopper is" Alice goes over and hugs chopper too " So warm" she says, " See? Warm, isn't it?", " How'd you find a cute talking reindeer" Alice asks

"Being called a cute talking reindeer wouldn't make me happy, you jerk" Chopper starts dancing, " Oi chopper come back we need you warmth" Zoro says

" it must be a surprise for you" Vivi tells Ace, Ace gives a confused look, " I mean Luffy-san. I was surprised too, at first. Maybe it's that he isn't captain-like, or that normal pirate captains are respected by their crew mates, But just this afternoon, a simple drink of water caused that big fight." Vivi looks at Ussop, Luffy, Zoro, Chopper and Alice fight. " But you know the more I've been with them, the more I've come to understand."

Ace gives a small smile " That's how Luffy does things", " Eh", " He hasn't changed a bit since he was a kid. Despite how he seems, people always gather around him. Even though he's my little brother, he has a mysterious charm to him"

" Oh, you already knew", " Alice, him and I go way back, but thanks.", " Eh" Vivi says confused, " You were worried that I was concerned, right?", " Yeah, but it looks like I didn't need to worry after all."

" But on the other hand before Alice and I were friends she was an entirely different person, very serious and tense all the time" He and Vivi laugh looking at the group of five sleeping.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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