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"I'm not leaving the Knights of Favonius, Diluc" I said trying to maintain my composure and not to scream at my brother
"I never asked you to, don't come and find me"
"Wait Diluc I'm sorry please" Almost tearing up I ran up to Diluc in an attempt to hug him only to be met with a fiery look of disgust as I got pushed to the side like I was just a passerby 

"I'm afraid we're no longer related please see yourself out, Kaeya Alberich

That stung me. Diluc has never called me by my full name
we're brothers, aren't we? we're family, aren't we? we'll be together forever, won't we?
 hey please answer me please give me a reply don't let me go 



"Hey there Mister Bartender sir" I said trying to sound flirty but clearly just trying my luck to get an extra hour at the tavern. "Go home Kaeya tavern's closing in 5"
"Aww I surely thought you'll give me at least an overtime aren't you a meanie" I teased "Well see you tomorrow then" 

tavern bell jingles


"Kaeya I need you to run on a quick mission for me, I'll join you if my work with the commissioner is over" Jean told me as she organised all her papers into a neat bundle on her desk "Hm? Sure where should this mission be?" 
"Dadaupa Gorge. I need you to investigate the mysterious footprints along the hilichurl pathways, researchers say that the footprints are too big to be those of hilichurls so I'm counting on you to figure this out" 
"Heh sure I'm happy you thought this high of me to hand me a mission, Master Jean"


"Hah... That.. was tougher than I expected" I mumbled to myself struggling to withstand even the weight of my own sword. Deep wounds penetrated into my stomach and flooded over with every breath.
I won't die here. I need to tell him I need to apologise to him... I...
Trailing off, I slipped out of consciousness for a brief moment, or so i thought
every minute or so my eyes would force themselves open to see a filmy world with a deep blonde colour palette only to get shut back down

After some time i managed to walk myself close to the gates of Monstadt because i couldn't hold up myself anymore and kneeled down on the ground. "So close..."
"KAEYA?" A deep voice thundered "How amusing, i still hear Diluc's voice" I said in a low tone and tried my best to chuckle but ended up coughing up blood
"Kaeya what happened? why are you so hurt? Why-" "I still hear his rambling"
"Kaeya don't joke answer me"   "Hm" I said before passing out onto Diluc's lap
"Kaeya wake up please... don't go..." Tears started to well up and slowly started rolling down Diluc's heated cheeks 
"I love you... brother..." I smiled with every bit of life i had left in me and slowly stopped breathing

"I love you too, brother"

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