💚Why is it always Me?.💚

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Isuku Pov:

I've always wanted a quirk. As soon as Kacchan got his I was all over getting mine!! His was so cool and I knew he'd be the best hero! But my quirk wasn't coming as fast as the others, it was so frustrating but if I knew what was about to happen I wouldn't of been so impatient.

I woke up to the familiar sound of my father yelling at my mother, "HES A FREAK, AND I WILL NEVER CALL HIM MY SON!!".

"HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT ABOUT IZUKU! HES YOUR BLOOD AND YOUR ONLY CHILD". My mother's protests to my fathers harsh words was always the same, 'He's your son', 'he's your blood'. I don't think my father even gave a crap about me or my mom, that's probably why he left.

The reason I was called a freak was because of my quirk. It completely shut of my emotions. It's okay, you can laugh. I've gotten used to the criticism already.

My mother says that when I find 'The One' at the right age I'll be okay. It makes me sound desperate for love, when I don't even know how 'love' feels, It's a weird word. Anyways how do I even know if I find 'the one.?. My mother also says that it could be someone that I Already know but I would find out in the future. I don't believe her at all.

My quirk has made everyday life hard for me, the people at school mistreat me all the time because I'm strange to them. My mother thought they'd stop after elementary but I'm now at the gates of UA and the whole way here I was mistreated. I changed middle schools at one point because it got too bad. It was the same but I left kacchan behind. When I walked through the halls a girl with brown shoulder length hair approached me, she had the biggest grin on her face and when she spoke it was loud and energetic, too energetic for 8am "Hey I'm Ochako Uruaraka! What's your name" she was glaring at me waiting for a answer, "I-Isuku Midoriya.." my voice was extremely quiet compared to hers, I just wasn't used to people approaching me to try and be friendly. "Awh you have such a cute name!! Do you want to be friends??" Every time she talks it startles me, her raw energy is radiating, but her question.. I've never had a friend before I guess it could be nice? I don't know I just need to see if she's 'The One' my mother always says I'll meet, it won't hurt me to be nice-ish to this girl, I could drop her later if I end up leaving the school. "Sure.." I muttered out. "YAY!!!" I soon as I knew it she grabbed onto me and pulled me into a hug, it's weird, I don't think she's 'The One' I would drop her but I don't want to upset her because I'll sound tight if she tell others. And now she was dragging me to her friends. "HEY OCHAKO WHOS THE KID" A familiar angry voice called out. I peeked my head out from behind her and I saw them. The familiar blonde spiky hair, the beautiful peircing red eyes that you can get lost in. It was kacchan, there's no doubt there. When I saw him again after all these years it made me feel a way, the feeling was warm and my stomach felt like it was filled with butterflies. I was sweating and my face felt hot. "Deku." Kacchan said after looking extremely shocked to see me. Ochako noticed the tension and decided to give me and him some space. The feeling overwhelmed me when he looked at me, "So you applied here.." he said trying to break the awkward silence. "It's ok to see you again I guess" his cheeks were a bit pink when he talked to me. My head was spinning. "Oi Deku you good? your face is really red" Kacchan was trying to find out what was wrong with me. "I-I" my words couldn't come out and I was stuttering like mad. I got flustered and ran away from him. I couldn't face him like this, I needed to go to the bathroom to sort out what's happening to me! I don't like this. I feel strange, F()ck this quirk I want to be normal like all the other people. I'll try and talk to him when I'm ready.

(Heyyy I got this idea from them old glmm where there's this girl who's emotionless but added a little love part onto it. I'll explain it a bit. When someone finds 'The One' they both know. And for Isuku to activate his true quirk he needs to find them. That's not the case for anyone else just isuku. And if he finds 'The One' he may get his emotions back. And for isukus case he was too young for the system to work for his soulmate so that's also why he didn't have his emotions in middle school when Bakugou was there too.)


Word count: 867

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 ⏰

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