The Twisted Side lines

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I have A COUPLE Rules before we start

I will not tolarate any type of bullying and hate from other readers, I enjoy writing many stories but Work has been pain so please bear with me with all i do.

Your name-(Y/N)

Hair color- H/C

Your Eye color-E/C

Your Height-Y/H

Hair length- H/L

if you have any more questions please let me know thank you please enjoy !!


'The hero world is very dangerous now due to villains' and other criminals that have been roaming the streets and alley ways. Yet there are some others out there that have a heart but live the life of a Criminal, we have yet to discover life and how the world now works with these new "Quirks".'

"I am Y/n, I am 24 and when I was born I didn't have a quirk, Yes I am always made fun of for not having one but that doesn't stop me from wanting to be a hero on the side lines."


I woke up late realizing how long I have slept in due to my Insomnia from staying up late, I sighed looking at the clock getting up to take a early morning shower just thinking what today would be like. I wonder if it would be more of a slow day or busy maybe or would I be able to get out in the field finally and do my hero thing.

After her shower she carried on with her day visiting Enji Todoroki's office waiting for a hero meeting to began she stayed quiet mostly to write down Enji and Keigos schedule for the calendar. Y/n worked as an assistant  for two pro hero's, yet her bestfriends were Mic and Aizawa due to how calm they are. She got out her laptop and began typing everything the two said waiting for further instructions. 

After the meeting ended Enji went home and Keigo did his usual fly out the window type style, Y/n was left in the office to print the schedule for  the two she didn't know what to think of being just an assistant for them but she got paid well enough so it didn't really faze her.   While she was waiting for the papers to print she turned on some music on Enjis computer and started to clean around his work area she got most of the office done with in the hour. A loud sound was heard from the printer it startled Y/n making her jump she walked over to the printer and saw the paper jam her eye twitched and she sigh with a grit in her teeth  "YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME!!!." Y/n yelled out she went to get more paper when all the sudden Enjis Office door is kicked down, in the moment Y/n Hides behind the filing cabinets and printer covering her mouth stay quiet as possible.

I will finish this once I get back tomorrow 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 ⏰

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