Battle's End

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"Aragorn! Aragorn, wait but a moment!" I shouted, hurrying to catch up with my friend as he walked to a meeting after the battle. I was panting as I came to his side, and he paused to give me time to breathe.

"Yes, Gimli, what is it?" He asked gently, his voice tired but joyful at our victory. I straightened, looking up to see his face.

"Have you seen Legolas within the hour? The damn elf has gone missing and I cannot find him." I questioned, worry eating away at me as the time since he was seen grow steadily.

Aragorn frowned. "Last I saw him was 'ver an hour ago, 'ver by the west gate. Maybe he is somewhere near there? He was checking for survivors." He said and I nodded, turning to run that way. "If I'm not back in twenty minutes, send someone after me!" I called back as I ran, ax in hand, towards the west gate.

I was not the only one out in the carnage of the battle, scouting for a lost friend or brother. Fear gripped my heart when I did not spot Legolas among those walking through the dead. I slowed my pace, searching the faces of the orcs, men, and elves at my feet, hope draining as I could not find my friend.

A swatch of green catch my eye to my left, and I turned to see one of Legolas' arrows in the eye of an orc. Another lay not even twenty feet from the first.

I cursed as I tripped over another body, landing face- first in the blood. My eyes widened as I caught sight of the body before me.

"LEGOLAS! Oh, you damn elf, please be alive." I begged, turning my friend over so his head lay in my lap. The hilt of an orc blade jutted from his side, a stain of blood surround the area. Legolas groaned as I turned him, his eyes flickering open and his hand rising up to try and feebly push me away, fear flickering across his face.

"'T's alright laddie, it's Gimli. You're going to be alright." I told him, pushing his long hair out of his eyes. He squinted up at me, confusion still clear across his face. "Gimli . . .?" He rasped out, his hand coming up to grip at the sleeve of my tunic.

"Aye, laddie. Stay still, and try not to talk, it will only make it worse." I warned, and I could feel myself fighting back tears as I looked up, spotting a group of three or so men a few dozen yards away.

"OI! HELP! I'VE GOT A LIVE FRIEND HERE!!" I shouted, and Legolas flinched away from the noise. The men turned my way and I waved them over, hope entering me once again. "'Old on laddie, we're going to fix you up. You're going to be okay." I promised quietly as the men made a quick stretcher, lifting Legolas onto it and walking quickly back into the heart of Helm's Deep.


Earlier, just after the battle . . .

"Damn orc stamina." I muttered as I shot yet another orc, still struggling on the border of life and death. I almost considered it too merciful for them, but we couldn't risk one of them escaping to Isengard. I had been out here for near an hour now, picking away at the live orcs and searching hopefully for an ally that managed to cling to life until help came. I could see a few other emerging from the gate, probably to do the same as I was, but they wouldn't be able to see me from here.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2015 ⏰

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