Chasing Pavement

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Everyone's good at something. If someone wasn't good at anything, there would be no point in them living. Some people are good at school, others painting, some dancing or singing. Jazz is the best liar I have ever heard, even though she prefers to call herself an actress. She can make anyone believe anything. Puck is the best pickpocket you’ve ever seen. He can even wipe a store clean in less than five minutes, and get out of there without anybody realizing half of their inventory is gone. Angel has the best voice you've ever heard, and Sharkie can lay his finger on any instrument and learn how to play it in less than five minutes. Kevin is the most loyal person you will ever meet, and Griffin is a great leader.

                All of them take pride in what they do, even though being prideful is a sin. I’m no sinner though. I’m not proud of any of the things I’ve ever done in my life. The only thing I’m good at is running, and I’ll never be proud of that.

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