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"Y/n, stop looking at him. You'll drool"

"But he's so handsooome"

"I don't think so"


"He's good looking but not that much. Not as me"

"Are you serious??"

"Kim Seungmin and L/n Y/n, stop talking"

"Sorry ma'am" I excused ourselves.

I resumed what I was doing, which was looking at Han Jisung.

20 minutes before the end of school, our teacher started telling us about a group project.

"It will be in group of 4. Because school ends in not that long, I will let you a bit of freedom. You can make duos and I will make a group of 4 with 2 of your duos"

I was so happy! Usually, she chooses the groups and I end with the dumbs or the bimbos.

Obviouslly, Seungmin and me decided to make a duo together.

The teacher noted the duo's names and started thinking about the groups. We aren't in a private school but students must do a hard test to enter our school so we are all very good students. Sometimes, a student can be bad at one subject, maybe two but not more. And because we are in english classes, that is the classes were that kind of people are bad. Because we are in a kOrEaN school and some of them believe they will stay all their lifes here and they don't have to learn English (but there is some of them who are just bad at this).

And because they are not that much, the teacher always put the bests with the worsts. And because I'm in the top 3, I'm always with this boy, Park Seonghwa. He is very kind but I'm a bit tired to be ALWAYS with him for groups' projects. So, I hope I will be with other people.

The teacher started saying the differents groups until she arrived at our group.

"So, group 7 will be Kim Seungmin, L/n Y/n Lee Minho and Han Jisung"

I jumped for joy in my seat and everyone looked at me. 3 differents glares were on me. The first, from the half of class, was people looking at me weirdly, not understanding why I jumped, the second from all the girls who were hating me because I was with tHeIr LeE mInHo and the last, the one from the one I love, just hAn JiSuNg looking at me.

"Stop it Y/n" said Seungmin.

"Haha sorry"

"So, miss Y/n, thanks to be quiet..." said the teacher "I will now continue"

She finished and the bell rang. We exited the room, happy to be the week end.

"Ah finaaaaly! Week end is here!" I shouted.

"I will be able listen to Day6 all the week end!"

"Yeah Seungmin, you'll be able..."

We were exiting the school to come back home when I heard someone shouting I and Seungmin's names. I turned around and no one else but Han Jisung.

"Oh yes what?"

I was so happy that he talked to me.

"Minho and me want to talk to you about when to do the English project"

"I can every times and Seungmin too"

"No, I must listen to Day6"

"Close your mouth Seungmin" I looked at Jisung and repeated "we can everytime"

"Oh okay, and where should we do that?"

"Seungmin and me live in the same house. So I believe we can go to ours, Minho's or...your house?"

"Minho's house is sooo big I believe we should go there"


I was a bit sad to not going to Jisung's house.

"Can I have your and....Seun....Seungmin's number? And can I give it to Minho?"


I gave Seungmin and I's number to Jisung.

"I will send you guys a message to know when see each other to work! Now, I will rejoindre my friends! Bye"

"By...bye Jisung"

He left to join his friends.



"Am I dreaming?"

"You're not"

"I believe I love my life"

"Yes, now let's go home"

날 봐 (Look At Me) - Lee Kwow X F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now