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Cat and Isaac were helping Aunt Betty in the bakery during summer vacation. This day was a slow one for orders so the two sat by the till with nothing to do. Cat was going through her phone, browsing Bik Bok for entertainment. A lot of the videos she was watching had to do with the aeroplane/train feeding method used on toddlers. An idea sparked on how to make time go by faster in her head, so she began her quest to rope Isaac into filming a Bik Bok bit with her.

Five minutes later Ball and Coleman had returned from the supply run that Betty had sent them on.

"Seriously Cat, it makes no sense at all why anyone would be more inclined to eat food when you move it around and make silly noises," Isaac said, really annoyed at the girls' antics.

"Please, it was not silly to you when you were still being spoon-fed," Cat responded with matching frustration that the boy was not cooperating.

"Dad, you're finally back," Isaac said upon seeing the two new arrivals. "Finally someone can end this argument once and for all. Tell Cat how I always responded to the stupid 'here comes the aeroplane' thing you and mom tried to do."

"Yes, please do." Cat supplied "Because Mr I'm different and unique here thinks that he never responded to it and would throw the 'mush' as he calls it, onto the person feeding him."

"I'm serious Cat, Dad once got pumpkin on a white shirt because of it," Isaac responded, trying hard to hold back his snicker.

Coleman seemed lost in thought for a bit, his mind recalling the particular time period that their debate was on. Finally, he answered.

"Nope, Isaac is right. He never responded well to that feeding method. We just fed him without it until he learnt how to use the spoon himself."

The day continued to be slow after that, so Betty decided to close up the bakery early and relax during the hot summer day. Cat went home and the three residents retired to their open lounge/kitchen area with the AC on and the TV serving as subtle background noise. Coleman and Betty went to fix up some summer snacks in the kitchen.

"Betty, how did you know about the time Isaac threw his mashed pumpkin onto my shirt?" Coleman asked his sister, the events of earlier still playing on his mind for as much as he knew, only he and his wife witnessed those escapades of Isaacs.

His sister stared at him, confused as to what he meant. "Uhhhhh. What do you mean?" She finally asked.

"When he has about one years old, Isaac threw his food onto my shirt. I was just wondering how you both knew since you were not living with us at the time." Coleman elaborated.

"Brother, I know nothing about Isaacs's antics until I moved in," Betty answered, still confused by all this.

"Then how did Isaac know?" Coleman asked to no one in particular.

The pair brought the snacks to the living room, and the family enjoyed their quality time together.

A few days later

Cat, Karl and Timmy all came over to hangout. Cat had snooped around and found a photo album filled with pictures of Isaac's early years. They all began to look through it, discussing each picture with their own personal remarks.

Betty, Coleman and Ball had taken to occupying the kitchen area.

"Pfft, who thought this outfit was a good idea?" Cats voice rang out. She was pointing to a photo in which Isaac could not be more than two years old.

"Oh, that was my dad." Isaac replied.

"How would you know?" Karl asked, clearly not believing Isaac knew who dressed him.

"Because I remember it. I also remember that he struggled a lot that day when it came time for me to use the potty because he tied the rope with a knot." Isaac supplied.

At this the three adults turned to Isaac, because there was no way he could have known that particular detail even if he was told the story.

"How did you know about the knot?" Coleman questioned.

"Because I was there. You even told me to not tell mom." Isaac replied. "It's a bit of a shame that she passed a year later, I never got to hold it over you." The last part was said with a hint of wistfulness.

"This is starting to get weird." Ball said, picking up on the fact that both Coleman and Betty had not told Isaac certain details.

"What's weird is that dad seemed to enjoy his arguments with mom. It was like a constant competition between you two on who was right." Isaac continued, not picking up that the others were now staring at him as he spoke.

"I mean, you fought over everything. You two even had an argument over what my gender was going to be. Mom was smug when she won though, totally guessed son."

"And you never really got the hint when I would kick away your hand. Do you have any idea how warm you made the fluid?" With his rant done he turned to his father, expecting him to retort. It was then that he realised everyone was staring at him with eyes as wide as saucers, waiting for him to say he was kidding.

After a few more incidents similar to this, Coleman started trying to figure out what was happening to his son. As time passed these occurrences became more and more frequent, with no end in sight. Coleman grew more frustrated by his lack in progress in solving the mystery, resulting in him enlisting help from a few of his co-workers.

School was once more in full swing, leaving dinner the only time the family of three had a guaranteed slot to bond. It was during dinner one evening that Betty recalled a science related trick question that she wanted to trick Isaac with.

"Let's see if you can figure this out," She said mischievously to her nephew "If you combine 3 piles of paper from one desk with 4 piles of paper on another, how many piles of paper will you have?"

"One big pile" Isaac replied without skipping a beat.

"Huh, you must have read it in your dad's old textbook he wrote it in." Betty said, dejected that Isaac knew the answer already.

"Betty, I donated that textbook before Isaac could read." Coleman said, not knowing how Isaac would know that answer.

"You do know that I was there when you asked mom that question, right?" Isaac asked. "In fact I was there that night, a witness to your 'activities'," Isaac used air quotes at the last word before continuing. "And I was there the next day when mom told you that she was pregnant with me. It's a shame that knowledge of my existence did not stop you and mom from partaking in further 'activities'. You are gross by the way." At this Betty let out a quiet giggle while Coleman hung his head in shame.

It was only several months and more similarly embarrassing scenarios later that the cause of all this was discovered.

Isaac was experiencing a unique side effect due to his connection with Myth, a side effect that was irreversible lest one wished to cause sever brain damage. 

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