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Decided to have some fun with this imitation due to our similar writing style.


This fanfic, whilst rated T has very detailed and graphic descriptions of actions of a sexual nature. If you do not wish to read such things DO NOT continue reading

It's been 5 years and 69 days since the world went to hell. It's true what they say, when the world falls it falls quickly. 569 hours is how long it took since the outbreak started for society to collapse, and most of that time and for the 3 years since I was separated from the others. One day I was walking through a refugee camp when I finally found them, I found HER.

I still find it odd, I had long since given up being the young carefree Isaac I once was, now I was a cold and calculated young man, I guess we all changed since the Solanum virus ravaged the world yet I still blush around her.

I got lucky that Sophie was visiting in Shanghai just before the outbreak, I can't imagine what would happen if she and her sister were in France at that time.

Even now as my hand caresses her back, running up and down her spine, my face is surely phasing through all the deep shades of red possible. Our lips together in a sloppy attempt at a normal kiss, I was never really good at these, until I decide to gently caress her lips with my tongue. Slowly I begin to caress her teeth, begging her to grant me entrance into the warm, moist chasm that is her mouth. Once she opens her mouth I begin exploring every spot in her mouth as though it is the first time my tongues been in there, slowly I begin caressing her tongue with mine, enchanting it forward into my mouth as I pull my tongue back in. as usual she takes the bait, and with her tongue in my mouth, I begin sucking it as though it was a delicate, sweet lolly that was rare and scarce. I'm savouring every moment of this, we're caught in an endless loop, our tongues going from one chasm to the other, dancing with each other. Eventually we part yet again for air, but only for a moment before we continue with the dance that I am a master of, I decide to change the steps again by sucking and nibbling her lips and then return to her sweet tongue, alternating between these steps when it's my turn to dominate. I then add more steps to our little dance buy moving my hands from her back and start running them up her front, hopeful that today's the day we finally do it.

Even with that in mind I feel the desire to move more slowly than what Sophie wishes me to, she's so in need for it now that she's decided to caress my chest as well. This continues for a nice long minute until she realises that she is not getting far with her tactic so she migrates her hand down south slowly tracing circles around my abdomen. Upon reaching my belly button she changes her hands direction towards my side, making her way to my outer thigh when suddenly the door to our chamber is opened and a voice breaks our activities. Sophie's twin sister Susanna stood in the doorway out of breath and seemingly pissed off.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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