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Happy holidays to every one and i hope you all have a wonderful new year.

I tried a old writing style of mine again, tell me what you think of it and if you want to see more.


Conclusion Pronunciation /kənˈklo͞oZHən/ /kənˈkluʒən/ noun

1The end or finish of an event or process.
'the conclusion of World War Two'

1.1The summing-up of an argument or text.
'in the conclusion we highlight these and other important issues'

1.2The settling or arrangement of a treaty or agreement.
'the conclusion of a free-trade accord'

2A judgment or decision reached by reasoning.
'each research group came to a similar conclusion'

2.1Logic A proposition that is reached from given premises.


in conclusion

Lastly; to sum up.
'in conclusion, it is clear that the market is maturing'

jump (or leap) to conclusions (or the conclusion)

Make a hasty judgment before learning or considering all the facts.
'they are imagining things, jumping to conclusions'
'investigators jumped to the conclusion that tropical deforestation was to blame'


Late Middle English from Latin conclusio(n-), from the verb concludere (see conclude).

Pronunciation Conclusion /kənˈklo͞oZHən/ /kənˈkluʒən/

Observer Log no.365

This last rotation has seen many developments in Terra 569, primarily the one known as Stan has had a matter with his grey matter. In 'fine crockery' the child in orange has aged up last and the blond is still located in a different part of Terra, along with the duplicate crush for the one in orange. The one in pink continues her futile pursuit of the blond, however it seems as the distance has provided the blond with some relief of her advances. As for the short one, he appears to still enjoy the fame he is living whilst the big one cares for little else besides these 'Hot Dogs'. The other one still brings questions on his origins, however if my suspicions are correct then he is most likely related to the lost one. As the Sun rotation draws to its re-start I find that there are still some questions that require answering, mainly the name of this place, you see I was told that China is used to describe fine crockery in the civilised households but this country's name is also China thus leading me to two conclusions. One is that this place was named after discovery for the elegant crockery that it makes to this day, Two is that fine crockery started to be called China in respect to the place for their crockery.

Sadly as the conclusion of the star year draws near so to does my time observing Terra 569, it seems as though I won't witness the new moon cycle either. My reassignment to Terra 570 will not disappoint however, since i can still observe the same people, i just hope 05CAR does not cause irreparable damage to that variant.

And to the next Observer of Terra 569, May The Watcher Guide You.



"So this 0-5-CAR person is the cause for the great Mesa Earthquake."

"Hey Lóng Wáng, Did you find anything of value in this old dump yet?"

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