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Hello everyone, this is my imitation attempt at SuperVC's writing style and I hope you all enjoy.

A young female Velonasaur was wondering the wasteland in search of a worthy mate. Up above she spotted a snowy owl landing and she rushed forward to investigate. The young male snowy owl was engaging in a verbal altercation with a Young male Managarmar. "Hello my name is cat" the Velonasaur introduced herself. "My names Isaac and this is Shawn." the Mnangarmar replied. The Velonasaur's eyes turned to heats at the sight of the snowy owl. The trio continued their journey being joined by a Gasbags named Timmy, a Pteranodon names Carl and a Gacha named Oscar.

As the group traveled a group of loud humans shot them full of green arrows and they fell asleep. The humans shoved berries and meats up the young creatures butts in accordance with their diets and when they awoke they were forced to fight in a boss battle that resulted in the humans and every tame they had dying.

The end.

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