Chapter one.

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Izuku Midoriya's day started at 6:30 am as per usual. He made his bed , brushed his teeth and hair , changed into his freshly washed and ironed uniform and walked out of his dorm room.
As he walked into the common room he greeted everyone.
"Morning everyone" he spoke softly with a kind smile.
He looked around. Everyone was chatting away, looking at their phones or eating.
He thought everyone was busy and just walked over to the kitchen area , grabbing a cereal bar and heading toward the exit.
" I'm going to class early , see you all there " he beamed.
No response yet again.
' They must be too busy, I'll just leave them be.' he thought as he walked out the door.
He walked across the courtyard and into the UA building, taking all the needed turns and walking into his classroom.l and finished his breakfast bar before walking in.
" Good morning Aizawa Sensei " he said smiling.
" Good morning Midoriya." He spoke in his usual melancholy tone.
Midoriya took his seat , taking his notebook and pencil case out of his signature gold yellow bag and gently placed them on his desk. He zipped up his bag and placed it under his desk.
"Why are you so early? Where are the others?" he asked whilst looking down at his papers.
Izuku looked up to Aizawa, his greenette locks flowing over his forehead.
" Oh they seemed to be busy so I thought I'd leave them to do their things and go early. " He replied politely, brushing his hair out of his eyes.
" I see." He spoke while still looking down at the papers, scanning them.
During the rest of the time, Izuku wrote in his Hero analysis book. Doing little sketches of each hero's gear whilst adding annotations with each special feature he sketches out.
Aizawa continued scanning his papers over, making sure the memerise key notes.
Later on, some of the class showed up. They each greeted Aizawa with a good morning which they got in return. They all got out what they needed for homeroom out of their bags and placed the equipment on their desks, zipping up their bags and placing it under their desks.
Some of the students were either having a conversation or writing in their notebooks.
Half an hour later, the rest of the class showed up. They all sat down and got all the equipment out. They talked for a few minutes until the bell rang.
" Class. " Spoke Aizawa, silencing the class fully.
Aizawa scanned the room, making sure everyone has their equipment out.
"Now, let's take the register." He spoke, melancholy tone is his voice.
He spoke all the names, with each name said the person responded and earned a look from their friends. Soon enough it got to Izukus name.
" Izuku Midoriya? " He questioned.
Izuku looked up.
" Here Sensei. " He replied.
Normally his friends would smile towards them but this didn't happen today for some odd reason.
' Maybe they aren't in the mood ' he thought.
Aizawa continued asking for names, getting a response for each one called out except Kaminari's. He finished the register and looked up and Izuku.
" Midoriya, will you take this to the register slot? " He asked, looking up to the greenette.
Izuku looked towards Aizawa and nodded with his usual smile.
" Yes Sensei " he beamed.
He stood up, walking towards Aizawa and took the paper handed towards him. He walked out the classroom and headed towards where we was assigned to go. As he was walking, he couldn't help but think what was up with his classmates.
' Maybe they all aren't in the best mood today? Yes, probably it. They'll probably talk to me when they feel better. ' He thought.
He continued walking down the corridor and slipped the paper through the slot.
As he walked back, his mind raced with thoughts.
' But if they aren't in a good mood, why are they talking to the others? I'm probably just overreacting. Yeah, I'm overreacting. '
He got back to the class and sat in his seat. The class stopped talking when Aizawa spoke.
" So today, you first have English and Gym. Then you have break, Maths, Free period, Literature, Science. After you have Lunch and finally Training. Any questions? " Aizawa explained.
Tsuyu raised her hand.
" Yes Asui? " Aizawa asked.
" What will we be doing in training? " She questioned.
He then looked at his papers and then responded
" You will be doing a game. I will explain when we do training. " He answered.
Everyone sighed with Joy.
" Doing a game in training doesn't mean it will be easy. " He said, which he earned groans after his comment.
He rolled his eyes , being too tired and too early to do anything. The bell then  rung. He looked up at the class , dismissing them. Everyone packed up their things and walked out the door. Izuku tried to catch up with the others but was too far behind to do so. He sighed and just shook it off as he continued to walk down the hall.
The morning class were tiering but soon rolled around break.
" Hey guys, want to sit together in the courtyard? " Izuku asked in which non of his friends responded. He raised a brow and shugged his shoulders.
" Taking that as a no then " he chuckled shyly. He figured that going to the courtyard alone would be awkward yet embarrassing at the same time so he just walked to next lesson, not bothering to grab anything to eat or drink.
He continued walking down the corridor before turning the corner and bumping into someone.
" Oh my goodness, I am so sorry let me help you up " he apologized profusely.
He looked down to see Mei Hatsume, the support class technician. Mei looked up and smiled before taking his hand.
" Thank you Midoriya " she beamed.
Izuku bent down and grabbed all her tools and handed it to her. She took it thankfully, said her goodbyes and walked away.
" Guess not everyone is in a bad mood today " he joyfully whispered and he continued on his way. As he got to the classroom, greeted his teacher and sat down, Ectoplasm looked up at him.
" Class doesn't start yet, you still have 20 minutes. " He explained calmly.
Izuku finished putting his bag down and looked up.
" I know, I wasn't hungry and everyone else was doing their own thing so I just came here instead " he responded politely as possible.
Ectoplasm raised and eyebrow.
" Didn't you ask if you could join them? " He questioned
" I did but I guess they were too busy to notice " he said calmly.
" I see " he continued.
They did their respective things until the rest of the class showed up. Ectoplasm ushered them to be silent. The class stopped talking and looked towards him.
Ectoplasm took the register, demonstrated a new equation and gave some examples.
" Now, try these questions with the person on your left. If you don't have anyone next to you, work in a three. Understood?"
The class hummed in agreement.
Izuku didn't have anyone next to him so he looked around to see if he join with everyone but it seemed everyone was too engaged with the activity so he just decided to do the equations by himself.
25 minutes later he finished them. There was no extension on the board so he just wrote in his Hero book. His mind began to wonder
' They all seem to be ignoring me today. No, they are just in a bad mood. It's fine ' he thought mindlessly.
Once it was lunch, he tried asking his friend group if they wanted to eat lunch together but was left with no answer. They just continued to talk amongst each other.
" Guess that's a no then. Well I'll eat by myself then, if you need me I'll be in the courtyard. " He added.
As he sat down in the courtyard, Kendo a few tables across from he saw he was alone.
" Hey you three, should I invite Midoriya over? He's alone in the bench over there " She gestured over to wear he was sat.
Monoma scoffed and rolled his eyes.
" Do we have too? He seems fine over there. " He asked in a cocky tone.
Kendo darted her eyes to him, annoyance clearly on her face.
" He doesn't look fine, he looks sad. It can't hurt your ego that bad to let a 1A student be near you. " She retorted.
Monoma groaned and folded his arms.
" Ok fineeeee " he wined.
Kendo smiled and walked over to where Izuku was. He looked up and smiled.
" Hey , do you need anything? " He asked nicely.
Kendo smiled back and spoke
" Yeah, I was wondering if you wanted to sit with me, Monoma, Shinsou and Tetsu? I noticed you were alone and wanted to invite you." She explained.
Izuku raised an eyebrow
" Are you sure Monoma won't mind " he asked curiously.
" It's fine, if he says anything I'll shut him up " she responded.
" Ok then, I'll join you" he said, smiling.
He grabbed his food and followed Kendo. He sat down next to Shinsou and greeted everyone. They started a conversation and Izuku told a joke, which caused everyone to laugh, even Monoma.
Once they all finished their food, Monoma nudged Izukus elbow with his.
" Hey , you're not as bad as the rest of your class." He chuckled.
Izuku laughed
" Well, thanks for giving me a try "
Monoma smiled and Tetsu spoke
" Hey if you're alone again, you should come eat with us again. You're really funny! " He suggested, earning a hum of agreement from the other three. Izuku chuckled
" Sure " he responded.
They all threw their rubbish away and Izuku spoke
" Well , I better go now. I have to get to class " he spoke
" What do you have?" Kendo asked
" Training, we were told it was going to be hard. What about you guys " he asked
" Oh we have Literature " Monoma spoke
" Well at least you won't have the fear of hurting yourself doing that, last month Aizawa knocked over a tower and told us the rescue dummy's " Izuku laughed in which he got it back
" Well good luck, cya " Kendo beamed
" Cya " Izuku answered.
As he got to the training grounds, he checked the time and realised he was once again early.
" Early once again, and alone again?" Spoke Aizawa in a confused tone.
Izuku turned to his voice and laughed
" Yeah, I finished lunch without them and decided to come here " He chuckled.
Aizawa thought for a moment then asked
" What do you mean without them? Did you not eat with them?" He questioned
" Oh yeah, I asked if they wanted to but they were too busy with their conversation to respond. But I ate with people from Class 1B so I wasn't alone" he explained.
All Aizawa did was a quick ' Ok ' but Izuku could tell he was confused.
When the rest arrived, Aizawa got straight to explaining what they were going to do
" Today you will be doing hide and seek with a twist. One person Will be chosen to be the seeker whilst ther rest hide. First round will be without quirks and then the second round with. You can either choose to be in a group or alone, alone would be the better option if you are good at hiding and a group would be good for seeking the seeker and moving to a different hiding spot. First round Mina will be the seeker and then Todoroki will be for the second round. If you are caught, the bracelets I have provided for you will go from red to green. Is that understood?" Aizawa explained slowly. Everyone nodded in agreement.
" Now, get into your hero costumes " he instructed.
Everyone turned towards the locker rooms. Once they were changed, they grabbed a bracelet from the box and went to the instruction ground.
" Mina, grab the blindfold and put it on" he said
Mina did what she was told. Aizawa then counted to three and then they all dispersed.
Izuku was good at hiding so he went alone and hid in one of the buildings. Most people have seemed to gone into groups whilst a few went alone. A shotgun went off which could only mean Mina went seeking. 10 minutes in and Mineta and Bakugou were found. 25 minutes later, everyone except Toru and Izuku where found. 5 minutes later Toru was found leaving Izuku as the winner.
' Wow, didn't know I was that good at hiding ' He thought.
When Izuku went back to the instruction ground, Aizawa congratulated him and then the second round began. Izuku went alone once again, hiding in some greenery and after a minute later, Todoroki went out seeking.
Within a minute, Jirou, Momo and Shoji were found because when Momo created defence materials, Todoroki saw the colour particals coming off her back meaning they got caught. After 45 minutes, everyone except Izuku was found.
Aizawa was proud but didn't show it and spoke
" It seems Midoriya is the winner again " he spoke as Izuku blushed from embarrassment.
" You should all ask Midoriya for advice and think about what you could've done better next time. Class dismissed." He explained, resulting in everyone else nodding in agreement. Back at the changing rooms, everyone was giving advice and making plans. Izuku went to go ask Todoroki and Iida if they wanted to go watch a movie at his dorm but they were already gone. He just continued to get dressed and soon headed towards the dorms. Once he got there, he made cup ramen and sat on the sofa. He looked around to see everyone talking to one another and just continued eating his ramen.
" Guess everyone is busy . .'
He finished eating and went to his dormroom. He unlocked his door , closed it behind him and locked it. Straight after he flopped on his bed and stayed there for a few minutes.
' Why was everyone ignoring me? Did I do something wrong? '
His mind continued to wander as he studied, trained even more, got ready for bed and fell asleep.


                 End of chapter one

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2022 ⏰

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