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November 2018

Sarah immediately regretted arranging to meet Lisa as soon as she stepped out of her front door, the wind was biting as she wrapped her scarf around her lower face.

Lisa had sounded really excited on the phone, they hadn't met for a couple of weeks so there was much to discuss.

"Hi babes!" Lisa chirped as they greeted each other in the cozy cafe that they often chose to frequent, the warm lighting and smell of fresh coffee instantly making Sarah feel warmer.

"Hi sweetie!" they exchanged a big hug "fuck, it's cold!" Sarah shivered as she took off her coat and scarf and went to order their drinks, she returned with a large icing-covered pastry for them each.

"Oh my god have I got some news for you!" Lisa said excitedly jiffling her feet under the table.
"Then speak, dear friend!" said Sarah theatrically,
"I've met someone!" said Lisa, almost levitating out of her seat "his name is Ben and he's a sound technician"

"For like, TV and film? Or music?" Sarah enquired. She'd actually met a few in her own line of work
"TV" answered Lisa "he has just finished filming and editing Les Mis for the BBC, it'll be out next month"

"Love Les Mis!" said Sarah "well, what's he like????" She grilled. Lisa pulled out her mobile phone to show Sarah his Facebook profile picture. Ben looked like he was quite tall with almost black hair and green eyes, Sarah though he looked a bit like Elvis.

"Wow! He's almost Aragorn hot!" Sarah commented, whilst licking icing from her fingers. Lisa grinned in obvious agreement "I know!" She blushed slightly
"How's your love life?" Lisa enquired
"About as dry as this fucking pastry!" laughed Sarah with her mouth full "it's been so busy the last few months I haven't given it a second thought to be honest. Guess I should get out there more" she added a little sadly.

Sarah was a lecturer in classical piano, to converse with her, or to see her, you would not think this for a moment, her sentences peppered with swear words and a laugh that turned heads where ever she went, and a penchant for black clothes.

"The closest I have been to any action is the guy who was stalking me at Uni!"
Sarah made a joke out of it but Lisa knew how much this still bothered her.
"You haven't seen him again have you?" Said Lisa, full of concern
"No, thank god, but I still watch over my shoulder a lot; don't know what happened to him after they kicked him out" Sarah shuddered either at the memory or from the slight draught that wafted through the door as a customer left, she wasn't sure.
"That's good; but only you could get a stalker teaching classical music"
"I know" said Sarah "just got settled in my post to almost have it derailed by a fucking nutter!"

December 2018

"Hi babes it's me!"
"Hi sweets, how's it going?"
"Really good, I'll ring you properly later, just wanted to check what you're doing Thursday night?"
"Nothing much, why?"
"Ben's invited me to the pre-screening party of Les Mis, he said because it's a work thing and he'll be busy that I'm welcome to bring a friend"
"Oooh that sounds like it could be fun - count me in!" Squeaked Sarah "let me know the dress code as I have fuck-all posh to wear" she added
"Brill, will catch you later then chick"
"See you"

After establishing that the dress code was not in anyway posh, more smart party casual the girls held an emergency wardrobe meeting the following night round at Sarah's flat and established what they were going to wear over a couple of glasses of wine.

THERE AND BACK AGAIN (Joseph Quinn)Where stories live. Discover now