Chapter 1

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Ink, a cool girl, studying in Architecture department of BLHS Engineering College. Friends, fun, clubbing, party -- she has everything. Also got a boyfriend, Kluen . She doesn’t have that much feelings for him, but friends tease for being single. So she just got herself into a relationship. Her life looks all set up. But sometimes she just finds all these things fake. She feels that something is still missing. But that mood doesn’t last long.

Her bestfriend, Mike, invited her to attend a wedding with him so that he can avoid marriage proposals from aunties. She couldn't say no cause who says no to free food! So tonight she's going there.


[ 11:30 PM ]

Ink : Where's the bride? How long do we have to wait?
Mike : Idk. I'm bored. Feeling sleepy now.

[Suddenly there’s a chaos. A lady started shouting, screaming. Probably she is the mother of bridegroom ]

: How can she (bride) do this to our son? Where's she? If she didn’t want this marriage, why the hell she pretended love for all these years? Why didn’t she think of our reputation for once before running away?

[ both sides' family started blaming the bride, her upbringing, questioning her character. In midst of all these, the bridegroom still sat on his place with no expression, uttering not a  single word. Maybe he is thinking all these are a prank or he still has hope that that girl will come back ]

Ink and Mike were too shocked to pass a comment. As all the guests were leaving, they also left the venue.

In car --

Mike : Oh my God! I still can't believe. How can she do this? How shameless!

Ink : Maybe she had an affair with someone else.

Mike : I couldn’t even look at her parents' face. They were so ashamed.

Ink : Yeah,, her mother was crying at corner. You noticed? How ungrateful and shameless that girl is!

[ after a while, Ink dropped Mike at his place and reached her home. She parked the car and went to her apartment ]

[1:30 AM ]

[ Load-shedding. After showering, Ink was going to bed, but suddenly something crossed her mind. She forgot to lock the car. Also there’s some problem in trunk. It gets opened automatically. Ink rushed to garage with torch and key. She flashed the torch and saw the trunk was slightly opened. She hurried to close it. But... there’s a girl sleeping in wedding dress. Her hair was messed up, make up was ruined.]

Ink : G..Gh.. GHOST!!!!!!!

[The girl opened her eyes and stood up in a moment, then covered Ink's mouth with her hands. Ink started to panic standing against the wall. *deep breathes* she brought her face closer to her(Ink). ]

Girl : I'm human. HUMAN (whispering in my ears) Can I stay at your place for a night? Just tonight?

Ink remembered she was the bride. She ran away and hid herself in her trunk!!?

Ink : hmm (nodded her head twice)

She removed her hand from her mouth.

[ Ink locked the car and took the girl to her apartment ]

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