Mr. Nelson

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"Hurry up Charlie, we are going to be late!"

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming!" Charlie sat on the bed to put his socks on. Nick watched him and noticed that he was moving slowly.


Charlie stopped with one sock half rolled up, "What?"

"Is everything ok?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah, yep."

"You nervous?"

"Yeah maybe, just a little. It's not that I don't think they will be happy for us. It's just," Charlie trailed off and looked down at his other sock on the bed next to him.

"You worried they will think it's too soon?"


"Do you think it is too soon?"

"Well, no. I mean if I'm being cynical yes, but I know in my heart it's not. Not for us. I've never been so sure of anything being so right in my life," Charlie smiled a rosy cheeked smile at Nick.

Nick felt himself beaming back at the man he loved. He walked over to sit beside Charlie on the end of the bed. Picking up Charlie's other sock and handing it to him he said "Well then, even if they do say something about it, which i don't think they will, you don't have to take any notice."

"Yeah I know,"

"And you don't have to justify it either, not to anyone, neither of us do."

"You are right, I'm just all in my head. I'm sure everyone will just be happy for us," Charlie turned to look into Nick's eye. Nick peered back into the big blue eyes of the man he loved and gave him a reassuring smile, "Now put your fucking sock on! I'm more worried about getting judged by your mother for being late than getting engaged too soon!"

Charlie laughed and complied.

When they got to Charlie's parent's house everyone was already there, "Welcome back boys!" Julio greeted them at the door, "Did we have a nice time away?"

"Yeah it was good thanks Dad," Charlie replied casually.

"Yes, very nice time away," Nick added, feeling himself smirking slightly.

Everyone was sitting in the living room and stopped chatting as they walked in. Charlie walked over to give his sister a small side hug, patted his brother on the back and nodded hello at Michael. Jane got up and gave her eldest son a quick hug and said "hello" to Nick with a smile. Nick and Charlie squeezed onto the couch next to Oliver who's legs appeared longer than than the last time Nick had met him.

"So back from your romantic holiday then?" Tori teased in a questioning tone.

"Ah yeah we are," Charlie started. He turned to Nick and took hold of his hand. Nick felt his heart swelling but also was picking up on how nervous Charlie was. He smiled at him encouragingly, not wanting to push him but knowing it had to come from Charlie. Nick had been nervous enough telling his mum even knowing she wouldn't be anything but happy for them.

"So yeah we actually do have some news. We err, we got engaged."

Nick could feel his face going red as he watched Charlie's do the same, but they were both smiling. Charlie's family was quiet for a moment, then all at once they suddenly burst out with various forms of congratulations.

Nick felt the tension lifting in Charlie as his family all got up to hug them both.

"Oh my boy," Julio said as he wrapped his arms around his son, pulling Nick into the hug as well, "my boys! Welcome to the family Nicholas!"

Nick laughed a thank you.

Jane took them both by the hand, "I'm so happy for you both," she put her arms around Charlie and whispered something into his ear that Nick couldn't hear.

"Well, well done," Tori said deadpan, then burst into a smile, "I suppose you did some grand romantic proposal then?" She teased, "hmm but who asked who I wonder?"

"Oh lets place bets!" Oliver cried! 

Michael leapt out of his seat and grabbed Nick and Charlie both by their left hands, turning them over looking at their rings "Hmm, both have rings," he observed, "but they don't match," Michael scratched his chin thoughtfully, "I think the real question is, who asked first!"

Charlie laughed at his brother-in-law and siblings. Nick could feel his face growing redder, he wasn't used to the chaos of Charlie's family yet.

"Well go on then," Tori probed, "I'm sure you are dying to tell us all the nauseating details," she teased. Nick sat silently listening to Charlie telling his family about Nick's Eiffel Tower proposal, feeling his face burning as Charlie gushed about how romantic it was.

"But um yeah, I had also planned to propose," Charlie went on, smiling coyly as his family's eyes widened.

"Called it!" Michael burst out, Tori elbowed him in the ribs and shushed him.

"Charlie's proposal was way more romantic actually," Nick interjected, "I'm actually glad I asked first, I couldn't have beat that!" He laughed.

"More romantic than proposing on top of the Eiffel Tower?" Tori rolled her eyes, "Should I get a bucket ready?"

"Tori!" Jane scolded her daughter with a piercing look and Oliver sniggered.

Charlie let Nick tell the story of how Charlie had asked him in French, in front of the Wall of Love in Montmartre.

"Oh Charlie," Jane beamed at her son. Nick was so relieved to see the look on his fiance's eye when he realised his family, even his mother who could be disapproving and harsh at times, were all very happy and accepting of their engagement. Nick still had to get to know the Springs properly but in this moment he felt accepted and at ease.

Teach my Heart to Stop Again: part 2 of a Heartstopper AU fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now