broken hero :awakening

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Mark a normal teenager with a super strong father and a horny mother lived his life normally as he was waking  from his high school he saw a poster of reed richards the smartest man alive better know as mr 4  .  Mark thought in his mind  well mr 4 his power is useful but not power full like thor or father he thought while waking home

In home
MOM Iam home he said . While he was going up in his room he felt strange but he did not feel to do anyting and finished  his homework and layed in his bed suddenly  a robot came flying in his room as attacked  him he was shocked but quick to react and he trowed his backpack at him but it did nothing  his mom came to his room but the robot attacked  her mark in all his rage awakened  his vilturmite powers and punched the robot out of his room and he in his rage flew out of his room mark shocked realised that he was flying  but he had no time as the robot punched him back but mark who saw captain american  battle on tv many times knew some moves and with his new strength  he defeted the robot after which he rushed his mom to the hospital and called his father the legendary omni man  . Omni man after comming come was angry and thought who might have done this but he had way to many enemys to think about that but he was also happy because his son ahad awaked his viltirmite powers

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2022 ⏰

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