The start of it all

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B/f/n = Best friend's name
Y/n = your name

I woke up with yelling going on in the house.I slip on my slippers and quietly walk downstairs I see mom and dad fighting over something again. "Mom? Dad? What's going on?" I say my mom continues to yell at my dad I look at my watch and see it's 7 in the morning, almost time for school.I decide to just start getting ready for school back up stairs after I'm done getting dressed my parents finally stop fighting and I hear the front door open and get slammed was probably 'dad' going to work.The truth is that my real dad left when I was born and my mom found someone new I'm 13 and in 7th grade and I've never met my real dad.After getting dressed your wearing a f/c shirt and black ripped jeans (sorry if you favorite color is black pick a different color) I put on my f/s and grabbed my back pack and an apple and headed off to school.

~~After school~~

I'm on my way home when I see a crowd of people around something.I walk over to b/f/n " what's going on?" I say
"I don't know some guy is cosplaying as a zombie or whatever and he is really good" I hear b/f/n say "I agree."
We then watch in horror as the so called Cosplayer takes a chunk out of one of the people recording.B/f/n and I start running to my house.I unlock the door just to see the house a wreck I run upstairs and look for my parents and they aren't there I ask b/f/n if they saw my my mom or my so called dad and they said no.I then told b/f/n to get food and whatever they could find that would help us survive while I ran upstairs to grab clothes and a get hoodies.I then ran to our attic to grab my katana and bow and arrows I got for my 11th birthday and went to see how b/f/n was doing.They were waiting for me by the door with a long butchers knife from the kitchen and a worried look on their face."Y/N I'm kinda scared what are we gonna do?" Says b/f/n
"I don't know b/f/n.But I do know we should get out of here." I say b/f/n says "ok" and with that we left and went into the woods.
~~{2 months later in atlanta}~~
"B/f/n what are we going to do no-" I was cut off by them saying "shhh I see something"
I immediately get my katana out as I watch b/f/n pull out their gun and a silencer "What is it?" I ask " I think it looks like a horse with someone on it?"
"Me too" says b/f/n then the horse come running up to us with some middle Aged guy looking on it.I raise my katana and b/f/n raises their gun. " Who are you?Have you been bit or scratched?" I say "No and I'm Rick,Rick Grimes who are you guys?"
"I'm Y/N Dixon and this is my friend b/f/n.Do you have a group?"
His eyes widen at my last name"Yes do you?" Rick says
"No we don't" b/f/n says I just nod my head. "Would you guys like to come with me to my group?"
I look at b/f/n and they nod at me I say "yes we would" all three of us get on the horse and begin to ride off.After about 30 minutes we arrive at what looks like a camp I then see a boy that looks about b/f/n and mine age run towards Rick and hug him he hugs back we then get introduced to the whole group except someone called Daryl? By the time we are done being introduced the sun was starting to go down b/f/n and I sleep in the same tent with the boy from earlier. I think his name was Carl?

Sorry if this isn't what you expected.I will try to write more but school starts today and just yesterday I had the confidence to actually start writing a book so yeah

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