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I don't know why i made a new story but yea here it is. Also there are chances i will change the description or name of the story.

Douma's POV: ---------

Akaza's POV:----------

3rd person POV:----------




It was a normal day in my house. I was going to feed my two dogs until i saw a beautiful stray cat in my backyard. It has a white-pinkish fur with some blue stripes over the neck and paws. I am guessing that some bad owner did this to it. Poor thing~ I should take it and take care of this cute kitty. I opened the door and stepped outside. The cat looked at me with a scared look.
"Don't worry i won't hurt you~" Douma said with a calm voice while walking slowly forward. The white animal tried to escape the house but couldn't find anything to him to jump by the big fence.  Douma had a big smile on his face knowing that the cat had nowhere to go. But the animal was smart enough to continue to run around so that the male won't pick him up.

In the end, Douma picked up the cat and brought in inside the house (in his room) to take a closer look at it. The blondie got lots of scars on his hands and cheeks but at least he got the cat. At the start, the dogs didn't have any reaction at the cat like the other dogs of the neighbour that were barking almost non-stop at the smaller animal. Douma letted the cat alone in his room and went in his kitchen to put some water in a bowl to give to the cat.
This cat is actually looking pretty healthy. It just needs a bath and some food and water. He looked so cute and fluffy~! I should get back to it before it feels too lonely or that it escapes. I started to get upstairs when i heard something that fell in my room. I  went faster to see what happend. I couldn't see the cat anywhere until i saw that my closet was open. I checked inside. There it is~! He was sleeping on top of some clothes. "Let's go eat kitty" 

Douma didn't have cat food so he just gave the cat some steak. The cat seemed to enjoy the food since he was eating it really fast. The blondie also feed his dogs again and then was preparing to go shopping. The white animal went to sleep on the couch.  Douma then left to buy some food and clothes.

I finally got home~! I wanna play with that kitty. Is it still sleeping? I should go and check on him. Weird it isn't on the couch anymore. I'll go check upstairs, maybe he went in my room?   Am i dreaming right now... There's no cat but a beautiful man with pink hair and years and a tail that also got the same stripes as my cat. Was that kitty a neko? And aren't these my shirt and shorts? He looks so hot in them though~ "W-wait i can explain!" He said that with a scared face. Does he think i am angry at him? Cute~ "Don't worry you don't have to explain! I guess you are a neko, am i right?" I still have to be fully sure about it. "Yes i am. Please don't be angry at me!" So he is scared~ "How could i be angry at you~? Your are too cute for that. What's your name thought?"  His face is kinda red. He is even cuter when he blushes~!
"M-my name is Akaza." Such a cute name~ 

"Alright! My name's Douma if you didn't know!"  He said it with an exited tone.  Akaza had calmed down. He still wasn't sure if he could trust the blond man. "Now, let's go in the bathroom so that you can take a bath." Douma said it to the confused cat. "What is that?" The blondie looked surprised that the pinkette didn't know what it is. "You will dind out right now~ Don't worry it isn't dangerous!" Akaza got a bit rassured but still confused. Douma took the hand of the neko and went in the bathroom. He started the water of the bathtub and then  asked politely (for once in his life) to Akaza to get his clothes off. The pink haired neko blushed from what the blond said and started to take off his shirt and pants. The taller male was surprised from how many stripes had Akaza all over his body. He knew it was probably personal so he didn't ask abput them. "Alright~! Now hop in the bathtub" The pinkette did what his new owner told him. The water was surprisly not too hot but neither too cold.

Douma was carefully washing the other's hair  and body in a relaxing way. Akaza almost forgot that he was naked until Douma's hands were going more down on his body until they reached his cock. Akaza hitted Douma from instinct. "I AM SO SORRY MASTER! I DIDN'T MEAN TO, PLEASE FORGIVE ME" He looked really scared like if he was going to get punished. " Ouch~ Don't worry i am fine, it's also my fault for not asking your permission so sorry !" 
"It's fine.." Douma then continued to wash the pinkette's body even more carefully.

I shouldn't have done that... But master didn't look angry at all... Maybe he is better than the other one. I hope so, i don't want to runaway again.
After they bath Douma gave Akaza some of his clothes that were small for him and then went in the living room to watch a movie with his beloved cat. After he and the pinkette sat on the couch, the blondie got a notification from "My beloved daughter


Dad! Let's have a sleepover at your house!

Ofc! When?

Now :)

Alright who's coming?

Onii-chan,Koku, Kai, Nakime and me

Alright i will be waiting y'all!

See ya dad!

"Akaza-dono! My friends are coming over!" Akaza looked kinda confused. "Do i stay like this or as a cat master?" Douma took a second to think and then said" Like you please, i won't mind and neither my friends" The pinkette nodded and then they both prepared the snacks for the sleepover.


I am finally done. I thought of writing this story 1 week ago and i finally published it. I will continue writing my other books another time. I'll also post the next chapter in almost 2 weeks.

Have a good day/night!

1066 words

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