Prologue - Marry Time 🥰

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It was a sunny siney day, and Kat's smile was as sunny and siney as the sunny siney day. Her smile was sunny and siney because today was the day of her poggers and coolnacity MARRIAGE with Marley. The crowd "oooooo"ed and "aaaaahhhhhhhh"ed as Katillac walked down the aisle and towards her beloved bride. Kat was a happy little pipsqueak, after all her previous dramas with her love for Jarredicus Duckling, she would finally be at peace with love.

The mini pope, Ratatattatt looked down at his little itty bitty bible script type thing. And the wedding bells chimed epically. 🔔
"Now Kitty Katty, do you take Marley Warley to be ur poggers and lovey dovey wife." Ratatouille read with a mYSTERIOUS and ALL-KNOWING glint in his eyes.
    "Now Marley Warley, do you take Kitty Katty to be ur poggers and lovey dovey wife."
    "Now without further objections-"

"I OBJECT" said daddicles, an emo legless birdie weekend god. Everyone turned, and gasped incredulously! But then they remebered Jarry was mean and they all realised.
    "OH" gasped the crowd in unison. "Jarry's just a bitch as usual." (Jarry's friends see jarry as a big, echolocating, legless, featherless, asshole who bullies short people and punches people with the force of 22,918 duckling.)

But Marley didn't join in. She stood there, IN SHOCK, looking at Kat, who was looking at Jarry, enamoured and submissively.
"GRRRRRRRR I've had an epiphany!!!!!!!!!!!" Marley grumbled, waggling her fingie aggressively. ☝️

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2022 ⏰

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