Alcoholic parents

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Rebecca never had alcohol nor would she ever have it but rather wishing she had magical powers to just snapp her fingers and make alcohol not something that her parents relied on
The respect she had for her father...
Wait what respect? Is respect the same thing as fear and resentment? *she pondered*
If fear was the same thing as fear and resentment than yes she actually might have a lot of respect for him
If respect was having energy to be polite or not react as if she didn't want to deal with her fathers bullshit than she found that she had zero respect from him

She remembers her dad constant verbal abuse at least according to her mom
She rolled over and stated at the ceiling the iritation she felt was unbearable not to mention she was moving again
"Ah fuck again mmmmm no!"
She just managed to make a few friends the fuck why?

Her stomach growling as she slowly gets outta bed seminary was starting soon and than she had to go school after seminary
She grabbed her favorite purple towel and a washcloth before hanging the towel up on the bar and turning the focet Of the bathroom on before pulling the Handel so that the water comes out of the shower head slowly feeling until the water is warm enough to get in before stepping in and scrubbing every inch of her body , shampooing her hair accidentally getting soap in her eyes as she hisses in pain before continuing to wash when all of the bubbles were out of her hair she turned the water to cold before putting Condioner in her hair

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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