The Letters

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I'm almost certain I am a witness to a murder. No, a massacre. Its taken me years to come to terms with this. My therapist says I should write everything down.

So to start, about 20 years ago, my school had a penpal project. One 8th grader would be a penpal to a 5th grade student from the neighboring elementary school. To this day I can't fathom why they decided to do this. But thats how I met Eliza.

We never met in person. We just wrote to each other. We did receive pictures of each other that the staff took of us, but that was as far as I really got to knowing what she looked like. Her shy smile, big brown and innocent eyes. Now its burned into the back of my mind every time I go to bed at night.

Her first letter was rather silly. I laughed and smiled at it. It read:

"Dear (redacted),

We had fish sticks and potatoes at lunch today. I hate fish.
So what's your favorite animal? I like horses. I even draw them on my free time. Here, I drew one for you too.


Down below was what looked like a horse drawn with crayon. Had to admit that for a 10/11 year old, she was pretty good at drawing. I cut out the drawing from her letter, and decided to write her back:

"Hey Eliza,

We had meatloaf for lunch here, which I don't like very much either.
My favorite animal is a dog. I have one named Duffy. Here, I drew a picture of him for you.

Thank you for your drawing (redacted)

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