Chapter 1 - Meeting the Boy Who Lived

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Seong-Hun, also known as just Seong, already knew that this wasn't going to be a good year, or possibly none of them were going to be good, as xey sunk into a seat alone in an empty compartment at the end of the Hogwarts Express.

Xey knew that hyping up this school growing up, especially by xeir parents, was probably not the best idea. It especially clicked when xey started to hear rumors that were already spiraling around about them being "monstrous" and "disgusting".

According to Jin, as they passed by, those had been circulating around since fae had started school but fae reassured Seong that it was going to pass and that xey were going to able to make friends despite the rumors. But, as people gave judgmental looks that held thinly veiled disgust behind their eyes, xey highly doubted that.

However, a boy around xeir age with black hair and green eyes soon entered the compartment, with a cage that had a snowy owl within it. As the boy went back out, presumably to get the rest of his luggage, Seong locked eyes with the snowy owl.

"That must not be comfortable, huh." Xey murmured quietly, xeir hands tracing over xeir own arms uncomfortably.

The owl shook its head, giving a look that said, "You don't look quite comfortable either."

Seong went to reply but immediately quieted when the boy came back into the compartment, dragging in his suitcase into the compartment before sitting down across from them. Xey pretended to go back to just staring out the window as the boy craned his head to look outside. Slightly curious, xey looked back to see a pair of red-headed twin boys talking with a woman as well as a younger boy around Seong's age and a girl a little younger than them.

Deciding it wasn't worth xeir time, xey pulled out xeir phone and started playing a game that xey had downloaded to keep xeir attention on this more than likely long as hell trip to the school. Seong only realized that the train started moving by the sudden lurch that caught xem admittedly a little off guard.

Xey looked up from xeir game to see that the boy had his face pressed up against the glass as houses flashed by the window. Seong had this strange feeling that he was vaguely familiar, but just shrugged it off as xey got back to xeir game.

Seong only ended up looking up from xeir game when xey heard the compartment door open, seeing that it was the ginger boy that the black-haired boy had been looking at earlier. Xey noted that he looked a little disheveled but didn't really think anything else of it, chalking it up to either be that he was from a low-income family or that he just was a little startled/discombobulated because this was the first time he was probably going to Hogwarts.

"Is there anyone else sitting here?" the ginger boy asked, pointing at the seat next to the black haired boy, "Everywhere else is full."

Seong noticed the glance over at xem, that looked like he most definitely knew about the rumor. But, despite that, xey shook xeir head, and glancing over at the other boy, he did the same.

There was an awkward moment of silence as Seong went back to playing xeir game, the ginger tried to look busy and not stare at the black-haired boy, while the black-haired boy was curiously looking at the ginger. But it was interrupted by the compartment door opening once again as the two twin gingers from before came into the room, though xey couldn't say if it was a good thing or not.

"Hey Ron." One of the twins was leaning on the doorframe as he spoke to the ginger boy, not surprisingly, "Listen, we're going down the middle of the train – Lee Jordan's got a giant tarantula down there." he informed with a smile that seem the tiniest bit of a mix of malicious and mischievous.

"Harry," the other twin went into the compartment a little bit, though not enough to actually encroach on any of the space in there and spoke to the black-haired boy, "did we introduce ourselves? Fred and George Weasley. And this is Ron, our brother." He said, gesturing at himself and then his twin.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2022 ⏰

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