Charpter One

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A little girl. Brown hair held up with a small white hairbow clip. Dressed in her soft pink spotted PJ's and brown fluffy teddy bear slippers. Getting ready and waiting in front of the yellow orange fireplace for her Grandpa to come in to her bedroom to tuck her in for the night. Looking around, getting a little inpatient, got up and went towards her wooden chest besides the fireplace dangerous close. She thought to herself on how the chest was made out of wood and that it is a fuel source for fire. Her head tilted a little to the left flicking her eyes back and forth between the flames and the chest that was full of toys for endless hours of play she could have if she risked the chest to stay where it was. Her thoughts were interrupted by a snap coming from her window. Looking over her shoulder at the window had made the decision to move the chest. Placing her hands on the wooden chest full of toys and in position to use the strength in her arms and legs moved her eyes to behind the chest, the little girl saw something. The curious lot she was, she shoved the chest away from the fireplace with worries away after taking the moment to catch her breath. The wooden chest was not big but it was still heavy with all the toys in it.

After her breath was caught she headed towards where the chest used to be and saw clearer what was behind the chest once. It was a dog like shape stuffed animal colored red and white with a black triangle nose. The little girl picked it up and sneezed. "My, how long you must have been behind there." The little girl mumbled to herself patting the animal reveling more of the characteristics of it. Wiping the face she could see how it look more of a fox but weirdly shaped. Confused even more but still very curious the little girl continued to pat away and having the thought of why it was behind the wooden toy chest? Why she has never seen it before? Eventually, the little girl hands got tired of patting and walked over to the fireplace and sat in front of it again. As she sat she wondered off in her mind of where the stuffed animal could have come from. As she was still deep in thought the little girl didn't hear the door open. She did hear a creek from the floor as the noise crept closer and closer with her heart beating faster and faster.

Finally, out of freight the little girl turn around and was greeted with a scare hug. It was her Grandpa who had scared her. "Grandpa you really scared me!" Said the little girl. "But I got you good didn't I?" Said her Grandpa. The little girl giggled as her Grandpa picked her up in his arms bridal style and spun her around to her bed. "So, what shall I read to you tonight, my little panda?" Said the Grandpa ploping the little girl on her bed. With her Grandpa saying that an idea popped in her mind. "Grandpa?" Asked the little girl. "Yes little panda?" Responded the Grandpa as he looked through the small bookshelf near the little girl bed. "Is this stuffed animal a red panda possibly?" She asked holding up the stuffed animal. The Grandpa then looked over only for his face to glide wistful. "Where did you-" The Grandpa mumbled under his breath stoping and regaining his thoughts. "I mean, yes it is." He continued drooping his head away. "I found it behind the chest. It seems that it was there for a very long time considering how dusty it was." She said staring at the red panda.

"I think it is very cute! What about you Grandpa?" The little girl asked looking back at her Grandpa whose head was still down. "Grandpa? What's on your mind?" She asked concerned. For a pause her Grandpa had stared at the floor with his eyes darting from one floorboard to another. Finally after taking a deep breath he looked up at the little girl. "How about I tell you a different story tonight. One that doesn't come from a book." Said the Grandpa walking over to the other side of the bed. As curiosity sparked widely across the little girl with a smile on her face she got under her covers and snuggled close with the stuffed red panda. "Now," Said the Grandpa slowly sitting onto the rocking chair. "You know how I call you panda right?" The Grandpa asked. "Yes, of course I do! Mommy said you use to call her it too but not as often as you do with me." Said the little girl. "Well, yes because I wasn't around as much but that red panda is where that name comes from." The Grandpa said pointing at it.

The little girl just nodded. "The red panda has a story. The story also tells about the outside." Said the Grandpa. "You mean outside the wall?" Ask the little girl. The Grandpa nodded in response. This made the little girl even more comfortable under her covers as she got ready for the story her Grandpa was going to tell.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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