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She was just an ordinary girl, until she turned into an alpha demon wolf with a 12 inch scar across her face from being bullied cause she's different and has a preference of not boys or girls, but Mickey Mouse..*

*Everybody bullies her because of her scar and the fact that she has a preference of Mickey Mouse. Everybody found out she has a Mickey Mouse body pillow and she turns even more emo than before.*

*Later, she figured out that her true form was actually Shrek and her real parents were Bakugo and Deku from My Hero Macadamia Nut and Mickey Mouse got together and had a baby born. But the baby had a terrible disease called danag-onaran-pa disease which makes them pink instead of green or mouse…*

*2 years later her and her bf Mickey Mouse got invited to Hifumi Yamada’s party from Danag-onaran-pa and at the party Mickey Mouse cheated on her with Hifumi Yamada from Danag-onaran-pa so she goes home crying and she rips up her Micky Mouse body pillow, cries herself to sleep but she starts dreaming and god tells her it will be okay and god strikes Mickey Mouse with lightning. She dates Hifumi Yamada from Danag-onaran-pa and they have 69’420 kids and live happily ever after.

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2022 ⏰

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