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I bend down to sniff my spinach plant. It smells like... leaf. I huff, looking around the classroom for the thousandth time as if something interesting might pop up.

Horticulture is my favorite class, but I get ancy on Fridays no matter what.

I was busy staring at my vegetable when suddenly everyone went silent.

I spun around, furrowing my eyebrows. Nobody is ever quiet in this class.

Oh. Mrs. Davis, our boarding school's headmaster, is smiling. Either one of two things have happened. One, she's found someone new to fuck. Or two, there's a new kid.

I'm guessing the latter.

"Guys! This is Evern, and he will be joining this class for the rest of the year. Please give him a big Novaturient welcome!"

She shoves him a little bit with another pinching smile before walking out of the room. Ms. Edith pulls him over to explain some things I assume, and then she's pointing to me, shooing Evern in my direction.

He's got chestnut curls, bright green eyes, and a tall, sort of gangly frame with a button nose.

As he walks, his right leg drags behind him at an awkward angle.

I give him an over-exaggerated smile, and he blushes. People are snicking about his leg, and I think he can tell.

"Want to see my spinach?" I ask out of nowhere.

He gulps, nodding whilst pressing up right next to me, leaning over. Evern hovers his hand above it delicately before abruptly pulling it back.

I sigh, "you can pet it."

He chuckles, stroking the soft leaves with fragility. "Did you grow this?" He asks quietly. "I did," I reply loudly, a complete contrast to him.

"Wow," he says in awe. "You can have it when it's done growing if you want."

His eyes widen. "Really? Me?"

I nod, beaming. I stare into his eyes, running in forests of moss. "You're really quite beautiful you know. I'm kind of jealous."

He turns around, blushing furiously. "You can't just say that!" His hands do a sort of flail.

"Why not?"

"Well. I don't really know."

"My point exactly."

I'm a very blunt person.

I say what's on my mind.

Most people don't mind. Some love it, some hate it. If I want to tell someone their beautiful, why shouldn't I?

"If I was to tell the same thing to a girl, nobody would bat an eye, but since you're a boy, people make a big deal out of those types of things.

Stupid society. I wish boys would tell boys they look handsome on the daily, lifting them up like most girls do with compliments. So don't be surprised when I shower you with the same compliments I'd give any lovely human being. And so far, you're qualifying as one of them."

His mouth is hanging open.

"Your jaw is open."

Evern closes it. "Sorry."

"But yeah, you can have my plant Evern. I do really love that name. It sounds like a prince, you know."

"Thanks," he scratches the back of his head. "It's not really my favorite."

I hum, motioning for him to keep talking. He swallows. "I'd rather just have a bit of a...simpler name."

"What? Like Jack or some shit?"

He lets out a loud laugh, instantly slapping a hand over his mouth right after. People stare at him, before going back to whatever they were doing.

"I guess?"

I tut, "But it's so boring. Names hold power. I'd never name my future children something typical. Evern is the name of someone extraordinary."

"You're mouth is open again," I say right after.

"Well, then what's your name? May I ask?" He says, voice shaking.

I can tell he's not used to people complimenting him. Unfortunately, it only makes me want to do it more.



"I'm joking."


I chuckle, "it's Jupiter."

"Now that makes more sense."

I nod, satisfied, my planet Jupiter shaped earrings jangling.

The bell rings, and I startle. Since when was it time to go?


"I'll see you around?" I question. "Y-Yes!" He stutters out quickly, like he's trying to catch me before I leave.

"Also, I usually hang out in the main common room after classes if your interested in doing Horticulture homework together?"

"Sure!" He says enthusiastically, waving goodbye. I squint my eyes, staying rooted in my spot.

"Don't you want to walk together?" I ask, hiking my backpack up higher on my shoulders.

"Oh, um, no. I've got to um, talk to Ms. Edith."

I hum. "She's not in the classroom right now Evern."

"R-Right, well then."

I purse my lips, gaze softening. "You don't have to walk with me if you don't want to. I just thought I could help you to your next class."

He gulps, nodding, taking a slow step towards me.

"I'd really enjoy that, but I'm afraid I'll just slow you down."

I hunch over whilst laughing. "No you won't. If we're late to class we're late to class. Plain and simple. Plus, I'll just say I was helping you find your room number and all will be forgiven."

"Okay," he blushes.

When I walked him to Mr. Chen's classroom, my fellow peers decide to stare at his limp, making him clearly ashamed. I was having none of it so I took the action of glaring my best glare at everyone who even looked at him in the slightest wrong way.

I think in the end it embarrassed Evern even more.

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⏰ Última actualización: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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