And His Anecdoche

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'Dear Master Splinter,

I feel bad for using our letters as a diary, but I hope you are reading them. Lately, I have been reflecting on life, where it all began, where it all truly began, and it's been reminiscent. Raph, Mikey, and Donnie are up to their everyday antics, and I couldn't be more grateful. I hear them yelling about Donnie's failed experiment and how it almost 'killed them.' It just sputtered a bunch of ink all over them. At least, I think it's ink. Donnie is trying to reassure them, but it doesn't seem to be working.

Their screams used to be annoying. No matter where I went, I could hear the echoes hollering back in the sewers. It's a wonder how all of New York hasn't heard us. But, I've found myself smiling at the absurd things blurt by one of the three. After, I might gather them all for a night out, a simple walk across rooftops.

I don't know what happened between this month and last, but every time I witness them having fun, I get prideful. I feel I'm right where I belong, and everything is at peace. The outside world is cruel--you'd know that more than anyone--but, down here with my brothers is a whole other sanctuary. I think everyone can relax in this space because of the untroubled memories that can play in every corner. I can practically see the little us running around with our practice weapons even when you said to keep it in the dojo.

I'm sure my love for them hasn't gone unnoticed. Raph told me that my gazes were getting obvious, and he was about to barf--right before he joined me, watching Donnie and Mikey bicker while cooking. The mess was horrible. Still, watching them squabble about who did what was entertaining, even if we'd all have to help clean up. Raph gets annoyed at me for being blunt, but there was a faint smile on his face, and I could see it in his eyes. It made me swell up. I know nothing goes overlooked by you, Master Splinter, and recalling little memories would be a waste of time, but I think they're the ones I enjoy the most. Sitting on a building together, observing the people below, the dorky smiles we all break into when excited, or simple actions like an occasional fist bump and slap on the back.

Even the bad memories brighten.

Coming home, raggedy and mentally shattered, welcomed by the family I love, affectionate touches and gentle remarks as my wounds get patched up. Donnie never lets me do it myself. He's already upset that I got so injured in the first place and would mutter the exact same phrases while being so delicate. I've told him it's irritating, but his counter is that if I just listened he wouldn't have to keep telling me. Every time. I know it's out of love. All of it is. For the rest of the night, it's like they're attached to me. Raph still complains, Mikey hoards the pizza, and Donnie won't sugarcoat his feelings, but I always feel loved. I always feel accommodated and included.

We might watch Space Heroes on TV. The popcorn gets passed around twice before it's all out, Mikey leaning on one of our shoulders and Donnie hyper-focused on everything about the show. Raph would only make his presence known when finding something to make fun of--or someone when I start to rehearse some lines. Raph's naturally loud demeanor accidentally jolts Mikey awake when he inevitably gets tired. It's almost become routine for the whole group to do whatever the person hurt wants for the rest of the day, a wordless exchange.

Mikey usually has a big pizza party with all of his friends. April and Casey would come over to play video games or bug Raph. They're almost traditional activities. Raph has come to accept it. 'Doesn't mean he won't beat Mikey up, but he's prepared for a snarky rebuttal anytime Mikey gets that 'look.' Donnie always needs an extra hand in his experimentations, so no matter how dangerous, I would get dragged in as the test. 'It won't hurt you!' he says after I've put on or drank his project before a feeble: 'probably,' is a regular exchange. The others would do their best to try and scare me. I just scare them back, acting like the experiment is 'Taking over!' Seeing Donnie's freaked face and Mikey's frantic screams is always a joy. Raph has never fallen for it, smacking my arm for trying, but he's not hard to scare. I just need a cockroach anyway, so I don't take it to heart. Mikey and Donnie don't appreciate it, but it makes it more fun.

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