•Jungkook Help Taehyung Stops Crying•

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Jungkook saw Taehyung got bullied so Jungkook decided to go to Taehyung parents and tell everything and after calling Taehyung parents Taehyung was crying in the corner while Taehyung parents warm the bullys parents.. Then Jungkook go to Taehyung and said

Jungkook: Hey it's ok..

Taehyung: N-no i-its n-not.

Jungkook: You know just forget them and ignore them.

Taehyung: o-ok.

Jungkook: Wanna be friends?

Taehyung: *Smile* S-sure.

Jungkook smiles

Now Taehyung and Jungkook Started to hangout each other until.

Jungkook: Hey V.

Taehyung: Yeah jk?

Jungkook: I-i have a b-bad news and g-good news.

Taehyung: oh.. What is it.?

Jungkook: The bad news is we are going to USA..

Taehyung: oh.. *Sad*

Jungkook: *smile* don't worry the good news is we can go back here in the korea :)

Taehyung: *sad* ok.. Make sure to go back here in Korea.

Jungkook: I will don't worry. *smile*

So before Jungkook go Taehyung hugs Jungkook.

To be continued..

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