The first time Jack Realzied

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Jacks pov

After everything that happened that night I just felt naked, (metaphorically of course.)
Overall just complete embarrassment and guilt.
How could I have not known that Millie was a witch? I mean was I really that blindsided?
But that's not really what upsets me the most.

What makes me feel bad is that Eric was right all along
He was trying to save me and the whole time I pushed him away and the whole time.
And right now I feel like I had lost the most important person to me and it's all my fault.
I was being selfish and stupid.
Leave it to me to ruin good things.

Once me and Eric are untied I haven't said a word.
How could I even BEGIN to start this conversation?

"Im sorry Eric, you were right about my girlfriend being a satanic witch and I'm sorry for trying to kick you out for her who I had only known for a week."

Of course I wouldn't say that!
So I said nothing and just allowed the silence to eat this room whole.

The room is left quiet because I don't know what to say.

I tend to do that, that's why having Eric around was so great.
Eric would fill that void of silence.
But right now nobody said a thing...

But then Eric speaks
Eric claps his hands together
"I'm gonna go find another party come on jack."

Jack is shocked and amazed at the same time and overall just confused.
It's as if all this betrayal didnt even happen to Eric.
That's where jack and Eric were different, Eric could forgive and forget.
He has the "we're buddies it's all good" persona and the "dont take life too seriously" mindset. Whereas jack is more sensitive.
He takes things to heart and holds grudges, if Eric did to him what Jack did to eric jack wouldn't even know what to do with himself.

Eric is making his way towards the door when Jack decides to speak up

"Eric wait" he says
He can't let Eric go like nothing happened
That's not normal
He can't just leave and forget can he?

Eric stops and turns around.
Jack walks up and now they're both face to face

Jack speaks
"Even after all the rotten things I've said to you, you're still gonna invite me to come along?"

Jack doesn't know if he just imagines this but in a way Eric's hazel eyes soften.
In a way they've never before.
The look of love and full trust in jack
Which makes jack feel even worse.

"Of course man, you're my friend."
Eric pats jack on his shoulder.

Jack swears in that moment he felt tears well up in his eyes, which he would en ever admit to anyone or himself.
There's a silence.
A silence that is so quiet that it says something.
You can hear everything now, things you wouldn't have noticed before.
The wind bristling outside, the parties going on outside.

They hold eye contact for this silence, for a while.
They share a look of love and vulnerability that is different than any of their other looks they've shared.

Jack looks down for a second to break the eye contact and back up
He quietly speaks
"I know that now."
"I'm a pretty lucky guy man" he says and smiles at Eric

They both knew what was behind both of their shared words but they never spoke about it.
It was an unspoken love that was deeply engraved between the two of them.
They never said it out loud what they truly felt but they shared that passion and that's all that mattered.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2022 ⏰

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