Yellow Tufted Feathers

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It was a bright and sunny morning. The clouds in the sky were varied in spaces, but far enough apart to seep the blue hue of the atmosphere through to the eyes wandering below in all places. The cars in the street bustled with life and noise, creating chemicals that filled the air with toxins and gatherings of smoke.

In the window above the clean and bright street stood a young man in a blue sweater with a small white collar peeking out the top, and hair a golden orange, his blush accenting his tan face. He watched as civilians walked by, taking consideration to any suspicious persons whom he could find a story in.

After observing the sidewalk below, he took a seat in his chair and opened the newspaper sitting on the small table next to him.

"Snowy," the young man started, "do you think there'll be anything exciting happening soon?" He flipped the newspaper down to look over at his dog who lied peacefully in her bed.

"I know you want to go do something too." He thought for a moment, then glanced over at the leash and collar by his apartment's front door.

"I know what we can do. We could start the morning with a nice walk." He stood up and walked over, grabbed the collar, and placed it around snowy's neck before attaching the leash.

"Come on, Snowy."

The two companions marched down the steps toward the front door situated next to the landlady's apartment, and walked out, heading towards the small park near the area.

"Isn't today beautiful, Snowy? I'm glad I decided to take you out for a stroll."

When they reached the small park, they noticed two familiar faces walking down the sidewalk towards them.

The two were in nice black suits, acquainted with top hats, and they both wore mustaches that were different at the edges, but their faces resembled each other like a mirror without them. Thompson and Thomson. The two were neither twins nor brothers, but they were uncannily alike in personality and style.

As they approached, they stopped a few feet away and flipped their canes, reaching out with one hand to greet.

"Hello there Tintin! We were just talking about you believe it or not."

"Yes, Indeed we were!"

The two spoke in a formal tone, which fit together with their mannerisms.

"Hello Thompson and Thomson. What were you discussing about me?"

"Well we found a few suspicious looking marks around the place that seem to be made with paint."

"Yes, suspicious indeed. Now don't forget the part about the other spots, Thompson!"

"Oh, why thank you for reminding me Thomson. Yes, it's in many other spots. We think something is going on. Something shady."

"Are you sure it's shady and not sunny?"

"Too cold to be sunny."

"Actually it's quite hot out, Thompson."

"No, Thomson, I mean the marks are shady!"

"Ah, I see. They're in shady spots!"

Tintin giggled at their odd conversation.

"Well thanks for informing me, gentlemen. I should be on my way now. I'll report back to you by sundown."

"Alright Tintin, be careful!" Thompson said before him and Thomson continued their walk around town.

"Snowy, are you ready for another adventure?" Tintin said before he continued down the road.


Sometime close to mid-day, Tintin was on his way back from his walk with Snowy, when he saw a yellow finch painted of his apartment complex's front door.

"What's this?" Tintin mumbled as he observed the still drying paint. He confirmed it's state by poking it. "This can't be any coincidence, Snowy. We should call the detectives immediatly."

Tintin charged up the stairs and into his apartment. He unleashed Snowy from her collar and leash, and shuffled over to the phone, dialing in the numbers to reach Thompson and Thomson.

"Detectives, I have something I need to tell you. That yellow mark you were talking about, was it at all in the shape of a bird?"

"Yes, it was in the shape of a bird!" Thompson responded.

"To be precise, the shape of a finch!" Thomson budded in, taking the phone himself.

"But just how could you know that, Tintin?" Thompson asked after taking back the phone.

"Because the mark appeared on my complex door while I was out." Tintin responded, shutting his curtains with his free hand.

"Hmmm... We'll come down and have a look for ourselves." Thompson added.

"Well, I don't think that's needed detectives." Tintin responded.

"Are you sure? You might be in danger, Tintin." Thompson continued.

"Tintin's in danger? We have to go down there right now, Thompson!" Thomson worried.

"Calm yourself Thomson, I'm fine." Tintin told.

"Alright, Tintin, stay put." Thompson said before hanging up.

Tintin set the phone down and closed his other curtains around the house, and locked his door for the time being. Then, he waited.


Tintin watched carefully as he waited for Thompson and Thomson to arrive. He made sure that he wouldn't be seen if he looked through one of his windows from the angle he was at. Not a moment later, he saw Thompson round the corner, Thomson close behind. He sighed and left his room, headed downstairs, and exited through the front door to greet the two.

"Why hello there Tintin! We hope you didn't have any trouble." Thompson said.

"To be precise, we hope you weren't in any trouble." Thomson explained.

"I'm doing just fine, detectives." Tintin responded. He motioned towards the yellow finch on his door. "What do you think it means?"

"Well, I think it means danger." Thomson said.

"To be precise, we think it means you're in danger."

Tintin scratched his chin and stared at it, longing for answers.

"Detectives, I want you two to keep a watch on my house tonight, but don't be too obvious. You need to have a disguise of some kind. I'll stay in my house. Signal me something if you see anyone suspicious approaching, got that?"

"Well, what do we signal?" Thomson asked.

"Do this." Tintin said, putting his hands together, conecting them at the thumbs as he moved them both back and forth like a dove flapping it's wings.

"Alright. You can count on us Tintin!" Thomson said as Thompson and him bowed together.

"Thanks. I'll be in the top left window right there." Tintin explained as he pointed up at it. "If I don't signal back, something is wrong."

The two detectives looked at each other, nodded their heads, and parted ways with Tintin who headed back into his apartment building and up to get Snowy. Before he entered, he stopped halfway to his door. The same symbol was painted on his own door. He slowly, and silently entered, finding a piece of paper attached to his wall opposite with a knife. He approached it.

The paper read:
"If you want to see your dog again, come to the docks on the northside of the city tonight at 6 PM with 10,000 dollars alone. If you mention this to anyone else, we will know.

        - The Yellow Finch"

"A ransome note..." Tintin mumbled.

He took a seat in his chair, and thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2022 ⏰

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