Night Near the River

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The Crowing of the rooster could barely be heard, when a soul still remained awake . Her steps taking the road of the valley. Her steps were quick, yet firm, with purpose. From darkness, the girl walked. Her only companion being her trusted quinquen. The fire but light, yet precisely, much like the steps of its owner. Her semblance was assured, experienced. Usually those who traveled that road grasped or slipped. Moreover, she travelled the area with a painstaking ease, despite this, she could recognize the tiring lengths of the road. Her mind wondered to the possible finds she could get. She longed to know what else she could add to her collection. About to arrive, she releases a sigh, and celebrates the end of her journey. However , she was quick to notice something off with the scene. Luscious free curls calling her attention.

"Camilo?" the girl quickly reacted. Her eyes furrowed.

The young Madrigal was quick to stand from his resting place, perhaps trying to pretend any remaining form of dignity.

"¿Andrea? ¡Hola! Uh, what are the odds of seeing you here? What a surprise! What brings you here?" Was all the boy could say in that moment. Nervousness written all over his eyes of hazel.

"I always come here. It's quite relaxing, isn't it?" The girl commented. Putting aside the lamp in hand.

"Huh. True. True." the Madrigal boy responded. The girl noticing he was still tense.

"Hey, seriously? Are you ok?" Tenderness in the girl's eyes.

"Me? Of course I'm fine! I'm Camilo Madrigal.
Why wouldn't I be?" exclaimed the boy.

"Because you're sitting alone here near the river? Perhaps?" She returned the question Matter of factly.

"Tch. Wouldn't you wanna know?" He bit back. The girl's eyes furrowing.

"¿Y a tí qué te pasa? You think I'm your mother to deal with your spoiled behavior, pendejo?" Was the answer of the girl with skin as deep as the sea. To this, the boy's expression dramatically changed. Realizing his mistake.

"Perdón. You're right , Andrea." began the trigueño. The girl being unable to remain mad, her heart full of sympathy despite his rudeness.

"Apology Accepted." She replied with nearly gritted teeth.

"But everything's fine. I swear. Sure, I lost my gift, my house is pure rubble and for a second I thought I'd lose my cousin. But I'm Fine!" he affirmed, his gestures and expression concerning the girl.

Andrea's expression softens as she witnesses a very disturbed Madrigal. She lets a sigh escape from her lips as she falls to the ground and sits atop the grass alongside her friend. The latter remaining speechless upon the gesture ,completel unable to form but a single word. Only quiet reigned in that moment.However, it wasn't a silence that was disturbing or uncomfortable It was a simple, peaceful quiet. Camilo would never admit it but in that moment, he was extremely grateful for the girl's company. The latter, focused on her own occupation. Her voice emitted a somber and bittersweet tune, a song from her native Puerto Rico. It was easy to distinguish that melody, despite being one originated in the girl's home island, it was still one that could easily be recognized by anyone in Latinamerica. It was like a sorrow , a Lamento Borincano. However, despite the melancholy of the song, Andrea managed to give it a sweeter tone.

"She has a nice voice." Camilo quickly noted,whilst he closely stared at her. He noticed how she picked random stones from the edge of the river and analyzed them. He had no idea why she was so curious about those pieces of sediment. Each rock being analyzed and examined with precision.

"¡Don't just stand there staring at me, dummy!" Andrea comments. "If you're going to stand there you might as well help me collect more." The one of Boricua blood insisted.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2022 ⏰

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