× One way home × Chapter 1.

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The realm of snow


Her frozen feet were dragging along the ice. She had given up trying to scream for help, knowing it was pointless. For her, life was full of joy and happiness. Why take it away?

She had been walking for what felt like hours, not knowing if she was getting closer or if she was going around circles, the snow storm made it impossible to know.

The tears she had cried were already frozen to place, making her cheeks even colder. Her frail body was shivering underneath the loosely put bandages.

She wanted to sleep, she wanted to have peace. But no one can have what they want, can they?

She was hugging herself with her arms, trying to find warmth in them. Only problem was, every little atom of warmth was long gone.

She kept her gaze forward, trying to see if she could find something that could spark that blown away hope. All she could see was the thick snow-covered forest, slowly get closer to her.

Harriet fell to her knees, tired of walking. She was sick of being stuck in this realm. The snow kept towering over her, and she wasn't planning on moving anymore. She slowly layed down on the snow, not fazed by the coldness it brought her.

She closed her eyes, hoping that when she woke up, she would see the warmth of Heaven.


End of Chapter 1.
Word count: 241

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