hermaeus's desire

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The young man was staring at what was a large, disgusting black mass of tentacles. It wasn't something he had ever seen before in all of his twenty seven years, but he had heard rumours of a daedric prince who took such a form when he was just a lad in Riverwood. He gulped, feeling numerous eyes on him around the realm, as if whatever this thing was was constantly watching him. Analysing and observing, feeding off of what little knowledge he had to offer. Suddenly, an eye opened and a million little eyes followed, peering down at the brunette mortal with an unsatisfied glare. He was expecting something.

"Why have you seeked me here?" The void spoke, slow and wise.

Nikolais didn't actually know, he was entranced by the being, something about him was strangely alluring despite his grotesque appearance. He searched mindlessly for the words, but felt as if he already knew ‐ this was the daedric prince of knowledge, wasn't it? The one he was seeking? Hermaeus Mora... He was expecting something a lot larger when he entered his realm, a darkness that would completely engulf and surround him, eyes staring right at him from all angles ‐ but this form was preferred, he thought, it was a lot less intimidating.

"I'm seeking a cure for my mother, she's deathly ill, sir." Nikolais managed, and though Mora couldn't properly express himself in this form, he took notice to the slight squint of the prince's large eyeball as if he were contemplating on whether to see what he could offer here or decline straight away, send him on his travels. Hermaeus Mora blinked, taking in Nikolais's appearance ‐ he was an average mortal. An alchemist, not a warrior like he had hoped... Yet he could become one, if a certain someone gave him that small push.

"What could you possibly offer me?" He inquired, watching Nikolais's expression contort.

"I could- Well, whatever you want of me! I don't have much but I'll do anything, please." There was a desperate gleam in the young man's eyes as if he were truly here for his mother and not for his own selfish human needs, as if he was actually willing to do anything for his mother to be healthy once more. A mortal would've pitied him, but Hermaeus Mora wasn't a mortal. He wasn't piteous. If he had nothing to offer, he would have to try and help his mother another way, knowledge is valuable after all; he couldn't just give it away for free. Everything had a price, it just so happened the price for knowledge is steeper than the rest.

"Not interested." Hermaeus decided swiftly.

"No, wait! I can offer you the touch of a mortal, I can show you the knowledge of lust and desire. Wouldn't you like to be a little bit wiser?" Now, his interest was piqued. Nikolais was obviously growing extremely desperate to be offering himself up for his mother, he clearly didn't know what the possibilities here could be. For example, he could be bound here for the rest of his life, with Hermaeus Mora by his side... Especially if the other daedric princes found out.

"Hmm... Very well, you shall show me this... Knowledge of yours and I will show you the knowledge you require to harness a cure for your mother ‐ but by doing this, you will be a servant to me for the rest of your life until you have outlived your purpose. You are aware and willing to give yourself to being a servant of Hermaeus Mora? There is no backing out." It was peculiar and wrong. He shouldn't be making sex deals with mortals, that was more Sanguine's job... But the knowledge of it did interest him and he was curious as to how any of it could be pleasurable. To him, pleasure came from taking in new knowledge but that was a far more different type of pleasure, this pleasure was far more practical.

Nikolais perked and nodded, "Yes, I'm certain." He reminded himself it was all for the health of his mother ‐ all for her to be cleansed of illness with a cure... He knew to be cautious however, for the daedric princes weren't knowing for sticking to their deals with mortals, ready to manipulate and deceive them for their own benefit at any moment... He knew the risks. A little of the risks, anyway, from old books on daedric princes; filled to the brim with everything there is to know. Nikolais had only got halfway through before he tired of the book, deciding he'd be fine as long as he was wary.

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