mechanic & annihilator goes to the bar

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This was rushed and not very good, but I'll try to improve it later in the future just bare with me 😢

It was a long tiring day, minutes felt like hours. The sun was beginning to set, and it was time for the mechanic to shut down the shop and call it a day. Though today on this specific day mechanic felt off, if that's how you could describe it. He was awfully more agitated today that's for sure.

Mechanic was wiping oil off an wrench before setting it down in the toolbox aligned with the other tools, he was already on the verge of collapsing being about ready to go home and hit the hay, nowadays he felt more sluggish than he's use to. Maybe just the weather?

Lost in his thoughts that was until he was shaken out of them, his nerves stood on end. Stumbling backwards, crashing into one of the cabinets knocking a can of oil off one of the cabinets hitting the floor with a crash, Oil splattered on the floor, slowly oozing across the floor making it into some odd deformed shape the more it grew.

As fast as the can had fell Mechanic quickly picked up the can of oil and placed it where it was originally. Reaching for a mop nearby resting against the cabinet to clean up the newly formed mess.

Annihilator had crashed through the wall of the workshop with that god forsaken scream of glee. He slid across the floor as dust and rubble from the now destroyed wall followed. Mechanic stared down at annihilator, latching onto the cabinet nearly crushing it as annihilator looked up at him with that goofy grin of his.
He didn't even need to be face to face with him, he could smell the alcohol from where he stood.

" You could've used the door. " Mechanic bleakly mustered haphazardly still trying to process what just happened. The Irish got to his feet and brushed off the gravel unscathed from the crash because fuck logic am I right? All he did was spit out a bit of blood but other than that he was fine.

" ..That was stupid. You're stupid. " He shook his head, clearing his head from the thoughts he had about the Irish at this very moment.
" Ah don't be like that just because I knocked down your wee 'ittle  wall down. "
For a moment though the Irish paused as if trying to remember something completely ignoring Mechanic's passive aggressive comments about his wall. Staring into the abyss of white noise trying to recall what was he was going to say until he finally remembered. " Ye want to go hit the bar and get a bott'le of booze or two? " He casually asked, he slurred his words Abit but it was enough that it would be manageable to comprehend.
" I was going to invite the lad, trooper along but the lad ain't doing so swell y'hear.. " The rest of the sentence was masked beneath non-comprehendible drunk rambling. Until it ended with a " -Y'know? "

Mechanic simply stared for a good moment trying to comprehend the words that were spoken but nothing came up.

"Ah, what the hell. What do I got to lose. Am in. "

" Great! " Without another word the Irish lifted up the Mechanic from where he stood holding mechanic like a fucking cardboard cut out or something. Crouching down for a good minute as if equipping an item. Mechanic looked around then back at him, concerned if he was going into cardiac arrest or not momentarily before a blood curdling wail of fear escaped from his mouth.

Annihilator charged off into the night. A singular rat who had been observing the entire thing watched as they ran off from beneath the bits and pieces of the destroyed wall. It's eyes gleaming in the light of the moon.

Time skip

Mechanic felt like he was going to vomit his organs out from the bumpy ride as he held onto a wall regaining his stability for a moment. Annihilator patted his back, yet he seemed unscathed from the trip.

" Ah, sorry. " He looked down at the Mechanic, he looked as if he'd seen something FAR from wretched. He frowned looking away rubbing the back of his neck with a twinge of guilt.

After Mechanic nearly vomiting his internal organs out, they pushed through the bar's doors

. Greeted with the awful smell of intoxicated fellows and fellas mixed with alcohol of course with those of drunk... karaoke?

They walked through the sea of the drunken and sat down at the bar.
" Two bottles of some whiskey for I and the mate, Philip! " Annihilator said as soon as he sat down, he wrapped around an arm around mechanic. Mechanic stiffened, when was the last time this man brushed his teeth?
" Alright. " The bartender said, not even a pinch of emotion on the man's expression just dread. The man turned around and prepared the drinks.
" So, uh. What's with trooper? " He asked, taking annihilator's arm off of his shoulder.
" The lad isn't Feelin' well. Doc said he lost his-" Before he could continue Mechanic cut him off. " What. " Mechanic stared in disbelief, unsure if he heard him correctly whether it was drunken rambling or not. It was still concerning.

Though he didn't even need to ask, the Irish began to speak once again. " Well, y'see. Me and the lad trooper were in the park one day then this oversized squirrel appeare- oh well if you look at that the drinks are here! " Annihilator turned around to the bartender setting the drinks onto the counter.
" How will you be paying sir. " The bartender asked blankly.
" Put it on my tab. " Annihilator said, taking a sip.
" I mean, I could probably pay for it if you can't - "
" Ah don't bother, I got it. " Annihilator said, already calling the bartender over for another drink. Mechanic scanned the sea of drunks, there was a deformed G-mod model of Garfield t-posing, Demoman from team fortress 2 most likely deceased from liver failure. And wait- hey was that brute and doctor over there in the distance? If doctor is here, who's with trooper? Suddenly a scenario played in his head.

Mini scenario
Trooper screamed in agonizing pain, laughter echoed through the room as arsonist cackled maniacally yet somehow in a monotone sense. The ceiling had begun to cave in whilst this fire was spreading around the room quickly, that was when it went dark.

Back to your regular program.

Mechanic shivered at the thought that trooper might be stuck with arsonist of all people. Or thing if you could even use the word person to describe arsonist. Arsonist was a machine after all, a rather pyromaniacal one at that considering it's name. To most, arsonist wasn't exactly someone you'd want to be around per say however to mechanic though. It was something he could get behind, not to mention the guy helps a lot with pesky agents sapping his buildings.

Annihilator had been saying something, but Mechanic hadn't been paying attention. " -Then I was all like... " Annihilator face planted onto the counter as snoring erupted from the now napping Irish.

A pizza delivery truck squealed bursting through the bar's wall erupting into flames as a pizza guy and two others stumbled out of it somehow unscratched from the crash. Because it's Roblox afterall duh. Mechanic watched the event play out, taking a sip from the drink Annihilator had gotten him. Not even a second later he was knocked out, cold.

A few hours later... 

Mechanic woke up on the cold hard ground as his head throbbed with unimaginable agony, for some reason in the iconic Peter Griffin death pose. Being tapped by the bartender that was serving them, speaking of both of them. Annihilator was headfirst in the ground for some reason.. what happened?

" Hey buddy, it's time to get out so why don't you beat it with your little friend here too. " The bartender looked down at them not too pleased about any of this, to be frank he wasn't pleased with the sight of them anyways.

Well, it's time for the recap!

Annihilator pounded the counter with his fist cheering on mechanic as he chugged the fifth bottle of booze tonight. Mechanic had finally finished; Annihilator patted his back with laughter as mechanic simply joined in.
Next thing you knew they went off to go rob a bank. Annihilator aimed his grenade launcher at the receptionist as mechanic was getting the Money. The police sirens wailed outside, it was time to bail. Annihilator picked up mechanic and charged off into the dead of night breaking through the bar's wall running over someone inconveniently Standing there at that moment, they buried the corpse at the local mc Donald's.

The rest was a blur. 

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