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your name is Zoe and you are home alone because your parents went out on a date.

Bianca: hey girl!

Zoe: Hey, how are you?

Bianca: good, what about you?

Zoe: Good, I'm home alone, shopping some new clothes for school

Bianca: oh, okay, but anyways have you heard the news?

Zoe: no, it's boring anyways

Bianca: it's not, this one story is soo creepy!!

Zoe: tell me about it!

Bianca: okay, this girl named Lulu brought a new phone got all their friends numbers on it and then a unknown number called her and her parents found her dead!

Zoe: omg! Poor girl, but you can't explain good

Bianca: hey i tried my best!!!

Zoe: yeah right

Zoe: Bianca someone is calling me

Bianca: it's probably your mother, answer it!

Zoe: it says a number i haven't saved! It's not my mom!

Bianca: strange, your phone is new and you ask me for everyone's number and i didn't leave your number to anybody else you don't know

Zoe: I'll answer it

Bianca: are you crazy or some shit?!

Zoe: no, it's calling me over and over again! I have to answer it's getting annoying!!

Bianca: FINE but don't come to me crying!

Zoe: never will

after 5 minutes —

Bianca: hey Zoe! So?!

Zoe: Bianca I'm gonna die today!!

Bianca: don't say bullshit! Your not gonna die!

Zoe: then why did the number said that!!

Bianca: wait this looks like the incident of lulu

Zoe: your right!

Bianca: BUT!! Your not going to die!


Bianca: because- uh, listen i want you to sit down and calm down i know this is stressing

Zoe: Bianca shut up, I'm literally thinking of my last words!

Bianca: Zoe calm down!! Your not going to resolve this if your stressed!


Bianca: ZOE?!

Bianca: Zoe answer me!

1 hour later —

Bianca: Zoe please answer me it's been an hour!

Zoe: Zoe's not her anymore

Bianca: who are you?!

Unknown: you know me!

Bianca: oh! HOPE?!

Hope: correct! Now you may be wondering why i killed Zoe and all my other victims such as lulu and Melanie? I was jealous and I'm coming for you next!

Bianca: But why are you jealous of all those girls? And what did you do after you killed them?!

Hope: I was jealous of everything! And the second question is that i take every belongings they and her parents have, and nobody suspects a thing about me!

Bianca: your crazy!!

Hope: I know your home alone Bianca, your parents left for the cinema am i right?

Bianca: how did you know?!

Hope: doesn't matter but that is perfect timing

Bianca: for what?

Hope: you'll see

Bianca: wait WAIT

Hope: too late!

Bianca: AAAAAH


Soon after both Zoe's and Bianca's parents arrived home, they found both of them dead and decided to call the police, though the police had no suspects and almost no leads they decided to investigate all of the "unknown callers" victims.


News reporter: today we will be talking about the mysterious deaths of these two young women, Bianca lee and Zoe Miller, the killer took all of their victims and their parents belongings whit them, and the police are doing the best they can to find the murderer and thief

Hope: whoa this girl on instagram is super rich! She doesn't mind me coming over right?



I know this isn't horror at all but at least I tried!
Hope you liked this story and stay tuned for part 2 (will make other parts!)
Also thank you for reading!

Horror chatsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz