Is This 'Death'?

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In the darkness of dream I wait. I've waited for so long. Finally I see something, a light, flickering, coming closer. It's so bright. Words slip out of my nearly numb mouth.

"Am I dead yet?"


Yeah so this is just something I came up with in class um, two days ago, I think? And yeah so, uh don't know what its gonna be 'bout yet but if you like it, or even read this (though I don't know y im typing this cause uve obviously read it if ur reading this right now) but anyway just comment plz. Tell me what u think.


This is my first time writing one of these author's note thingermerbobers so I don't even know what I'm writing. Hfuebvgufeghfebfrbuefbgefjdb rhbfrihcbfg ncbfydn roar.

Anyway stop wasting your time reading this and go to chapter one if u want. If not then go do whatever u where gonna do before u started reading this.

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