Chapter 1

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Dwight's Pov

Waking up this morning I did my daily Routine and got ready for work. I have been working at this tech company for about 4 years now.

I'm hoping to become CEO one day. Once I was finished, I had some breakfast and headed to work.


Loretha sat her vanity. Staring at herself in the mirror. Today was her first day at her new job. She has never had one before.

You see ever since loretha was born there was always something off about her. She always acted .. younger than she really was.

Doctors could actually prescribe her with any disability because there was no name for it. So they just decided to call it " Peter Pan syndrome" which was the fear of growing up. She has the mind of a fresh 6 year old. It's been weird for her growing up but the people around her have gotten use to it.

" Loretha are you ready because we have to leave in about an hour" her mom said peeking her head in the door. " no mom! I just told you no!".

" Loretha you are still in your robe. Wha! And look at your hair. Okay no enough, I'm helping you" her mom walked over and stood behind her.

" Stop! I can do it!" Loretha grabbed the brush before her mom could. " Loretha Holloway give me that brush right now". Hearing her mother's stern voice Loretha secretly rolled her eyes before holding the brush over her shoulder. Her mom took it and started to brush her hair.

Lorethas mother Bernice has grown very used to this trait with loretha. Her father on the other hand.. not so much. He knows what's wrong with her but doesn't know how to tolerate it and often finds himself yelling at her causing her to cry. The numbers 1 rule was too never ever under any circumstances yell at Loretha.

If u did she would shut herself off for hours and starve herself until her stomach started to hurt.

" You're always fussing at me!" Loretha crossed her arms. " I am not Lori". Lori was a nickname her mother gave her since she was little.

" You are!". " I came in here 25 minutes ago and asked you if you wanted me to help you get ready. You said " No momma I got it" now I come back in here and you haven't even brushed your hair. Today is a big day for you and I want you too look presentable that's all" she explained.

Loretha sucked her teeth. " There's my two beautiful ladies" Her dad opened her door. " Hi dad!" A smile quickly appeared on Lorethas face seeing her father.

" Hi hunny" He leaned down and kissed her forehead. " And Hello to my beautiful wife" He kissed her mother deeply.

" Ew stop!".

They laughed. " I'm headed off to work. I just wanted to say have a good first day loretha, make them proud. I believe in you baby"-"Thanks dad!".

Her mom plugged in the hot curlers. " No I don't want my hair curled!" Loretha winned. " Lori I'm not doing this with you right now".

" No! I said no! I don't want it!" Loretha unplugged them and tossed the curlers on the bed. She was being a brat now.

" ..Okay...Okay fine" trying to keep her cool instead Bernice she just straightened her hair. She seemed too like that more anyways.

Once they were done Bernice took her daughter to her job. She parked the car and then turned to her daughter who looked nervous.

" You got this okay?.. and when the day is over I'll be the first one out here to take you home". Loretha nodded.

" Got your phone?"

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