Bridgette: Chapter One

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"Happy birthday, deary!"

Oh, yea, I guess it is my birthday. And my mom didn't  come... again.

My grandmother made a beautiful, strawberry cake, my favorite. It smells fantastic. She always knows where to get the best fruits. Her garden is the most beautiful in the city, I love to help around there, even if it's hard sometimes. My grandmother always says that working in the garden keeps her in shape.

"Happy birthday, I can't say you're a little girl, anymore, can I."

"Oh, grandpa, I'll always be your little girl!"

I can see two tears falling from his eyes, he has always been emotional. He gives me a big hug, and then a kiss on the cheek.

"Come on now, you'll make me cry, and last time I did this was at my mother funeral."

My grandma was always close with her mother, she wanted to be the same with her daughter! But she wasn't lucky enough to have one, only two boys, the youngest one being my dad, Leon, he was a special man, even if he was a big imperialist, as my mom calls him, he was strong, but didn't fear to show his soft side. He loved my mom with all his heart, it hurts when I think of him.

But today isn't about my dad, it isn't about mom either, it's my day, even if mom couldn't bother to come. She's in Russia right now, as a delegate from France.

Oh look at me, I'm turning eighteen and thinking about my parents.

"What's wrong deary? Seems like there's something on your mind?"

"Oh, it's nothing... just thinking about mom and dad a little"

She looks at me with sadness, she was hurt when dad went missing, she doesn't want to admit, but I heard her cry in her room after police came to our home. Mom was in Cuba then. She's always gone when something important happens.

"Oh, deary, come here."

She gives me a hug too, she gives the best hugs, somehow she takes all the bad energy from you and give you her good one. I don't know how she does it, but I would love to learn... if I could.

"Today is your day, come on, blow out the candles and make a wish!"

She has the sweetest voice, Its so warm and calming, with a tear in my eye, and smiling to both of them.

"Oh wait, I almost forgot!"

My grandma runs to the other room, I'm kind of confused. I'm looking at my grandpa, he looks just as confused as I do.

What could she bring out, an old piece of jewelry, something her mother gave to her.

"Wait a minute, I know I left it somewhere around here."

My grandpa out of the sudden looks at me, he knows what my grandmother is searching for, he for sure remembered, I can see it in his eyes.

I whisper to him.

"Come on spill it out, what she searching for?"

"Oh, I don't know."

He has this face always when he lies, with a big smile, he is almost laughing, for sure, he knows. I'm so dame curious now, did I see it before, when I was little, I used to sneak around my grandparents room when we were playing hide and seek, oh my, maybe it is...

"Here darling!"

Oh my god, it is, it's my grandmother's wedding dress, I always imagined wearing it at my wedding. Now my eyes are full of tears. The dress is the most beautiful thing I ever saw, with a vail and gloves assorted. 

It has pearls around the waist, and on the end of the sleeves. It's still in good condition, I can't believe it looks so well after all these years. And now she's giving it to me.

"Oh my god, grandma... you're the best!"

I hug her, how couldn't I? she basically gives me the most expensive thing she owns.

"I love you Bridgette, you are the most precious and beautiful girl in the world, don't let the world destroy you... like it did to your mom."

"Grandma, I love you too! Can't I just be your little girl for my whole life."

"Oh, dearly, I would love for you to be my little girl for the rest of the days... but I feel you are more than that. The universe has send me this precious, special girl, but it has come to the time I leave you be. I mean I'll always be here for you, your like my daughter,  but the time has come for you to make your decisions."

My eyes are full with tears, so I decide it's finally time to blow the candles.

I look one last time to my grandmother, before I make my wish, I already know what it's going to be.

I wish to be at least half the women my grandmother is!

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