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Put your name in the blanks! ^^

"Alright, ready or not, here I come!" you called, lifting you face from the couch cushion and turning around to face the living room. You and Youngmin were playing Hide 'N Seek, and it was your turn to count; which you weren't too thrilled about. Rising to your feet, you crouched and began to quietly tiptoe into the next room, keeping your guard up.

Pausing in the doorway of Donghyun, Hyunseong, and Minwoo's room, your chocolate orbs scanned the small room, in search of a clue of where a certain blonde could be. It was only you and him here for the day, since he didn't want to go with the rest of the members to the small festival down the street and wanting to stay behind with you since the rides made you feel ill.

"Youngmin," you called, walking inside the room and continuing to search. Getting down on your knees, you crawled and looked underneath all three small beds, an amused smile tugging the corners of your mouth. He had to be around here somewhere. Rising to your feet again, you exited the room and crossed the living room; heading into his, Kwangmin's, and Jeongmin's room while repeating the same thing as before.

After checking all three beds, you sat on your knees and huffed, continuing to search for a clue. Making your way to the closet, you grasped the knob and held it for a moment before quickly turning it and opening the door. "AHA!" you shouted, only to slump your shoulders in defeat when not seeing him in there. "Aish," you whispered, getting up and shutting the door again, turning around to rest your back against the door. You usually found him so easily. But where could he be this time? Suddenly, you thought you could hear a set of footsteps in the living room, quickly and quietly making their way across the wooden floor. You grinned before quickly pushing yourself off of the door and running towards the room where you heard the footsteps, only to be disappointed when you didn't see anything.

"Clever little sneak..." you complimented, continuing to grin as you crossed the room again, heading towards the closed bathroom door that was cracked a few minutes ago. You grasped the knob and slowly began to turn it, opening it up to find it completely dark. Chewing on your bottom lip, you walked inside and peered around the dark room, forgetting to turn on the light. You ended up bumping into the sink, resulting in you to hiss in pain, bringing your hand to your side that hit the edge. You stood there for a moment, waiting for the pain to subside before exhaling and turning around, beginning to walk out the door. As you passed the door, something caught your wrist, pulling you back into the darkness of the bathroom into waiting arms. You stumbled and ended up falling into the persons arms, almost taking them down with you. You both ended up bumping up against the wall. You raised your head from the person's chest, looking up into the warm eyes of the very person you was searching for. Youngmin chuckled as he stared down at you through the darkness, keeping his arms around you as if he were afraid you'd fall again if you were to move.

"How did you not see me in here? I am the worst hider in the world!" He asked, a grin tugging the corners of his mouth. You couldn't help but smile as a small giggle escaped you, simply shrugging your shoulders. You were thankful for the living room light being on, so you could see his face in a small amount of light.

"You're a better hider than me, but you mostly hide behind doors." you replied teasingly, poking him in the chest once. It was true, most of the time when you both would play Hide 'N Seek with a few other members, Youngmin always hid behind a door, and ended up almost always getting hit in the head with the door when someone would open it, which resulted in him getting found first.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2015 ⏰

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