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The fog was thicker than usual. And very humid. Making fabric stick to skin. For anyone that wasn't her.

The clouds weren't thick, to make things a bit odd. The moon was full, signaling the night of the hunt. But not for her. It was the night she keeps the humans in this little hamlet safe.

Not to many strangers come here, so it made it easy for her to keep track of who's where. Normally.

But for some strange reason, the mayor advertised for a huge fair far beyond the reaches of city limits. He claims it's to bring in more money from outside the city.

He also is funding new roads and houses being built, stretching the suburbs.

So with everything going on, it is a lot to take in for her, not knowing who came from where or their intentions here.

She had spent most of her undead life here. This is were she ran to before she was turned. Where she had met her vampire lover. The one who had protected her. Loved her. And eventually, turned her.

People in the town knew she was different, but she was always so careful never to so much as smile at a neighbor. The only time she really fed, was when someone was drunk and following her into a back alley, with bad intentions.

It got attention, but not much after they were labeled as abusive or predatory.

Tonight was a bad combination. It's a full moon, and thick fog, and an unknown amount of strangers. 3 was always an unlucky number for her.

She knew tonight the wolves from the mountains would come hunt for human flesh tonight. Something she'd been fighting since before they slaughtered the man she loved.

Something about tonight was off putting. Perhaps it was simply the bad trio of events, but she couldn't let her guard down.

She continued her walk through the woods, using her heightened senses to detect danger. It was too quiet. Not even the crickets were chirping. Which signified danger. From what she wasn't sure.

The wind did not blow this night, so smells didn't travel far. So if she were to smell someone or something, it could very well be too late.

The path she took tonight took her past a raise, where she did pick up on a fresh scent.


One she didn't know.

She followed this person, to make sure he was safe. And not even half a mile down the road, she picked up on more scents. A scent that angered her to her core. A scent that she would never forget.


She took off running in their direction. Even with her vampire speed, it was a minute before she caught up.

There they were in their wolf forms, about to punch. She couldn't let them take another human. It would draw too much attention to the supernatural world. They were bigger than average wolves, and to top it off, regular wolves don't enhabit these parts.

They began closing in, but she knew if she moves fast enough, she could get to him. She sucked in a deep breath and moved.

She wrapped her arm around the shoulders and flashed her red eyes at each one in turn.

"Don't come near him." She demanded calmly.

The Alpha shifted.

"He's a passing mortal my dear Visenia. What's wrong if there's no traces left of him?"

"There is plenty of deer and wild pigs in the forest." She reminded them. "Be gone with ye you magey mutts."

"Still the same insult after all these years? Figured My Lady would've caught up on modern speech." He tested.

As brisk as it was, the only one affected was the man now leaving into her, trembling not just from the cold, but complete fear to what he had just witnessed.

"Does it matter so much to thee that I speak in such a manner?"

"No, but I figured a bit of small talk would hurt before we tear the both of you to shreds."

"I find it quite amusing how you believe your pack is stronger than I."

"I find it funny that I've had you distracted."

Suddenly, she felt a presence behind her. It was one of them. They were quick but she was quicker.

As it lunged at her, she turned, with the human still in her arms, and dodged it.

"You can't fight us all blood sucker." The Alpha taunted.

"Perhaps not curr. But I sure as hell can run three times fast as thee." She grinned a broad, fang-ed grin in the Alpha's direction. Turning to the human, "hold tight and close your eyes."

It was awkward carrying a male taller than she was. Especially when she took off running to her safe house. It was more difficult for her to carry a man bridal style especially when he's way heavier than her.

It was a house her love had left her. It a clearing, surrounded by thick bushes of wolves' bane, which are one of their greatest weaknesses. She has, over time, studied potions and poisons and bombs and figuring out how to incorporate this deadly plant into her weapons to protect the townspeople.

Right now, her main priority, was to get him to safety. Then, it would be to fight off whichever abomination came soaring over those deathly bushes came first, if they can get past the smell.

The wolves gathered in, slowly but surely, the full moon gives them extra speed and power, but they still yet aren't fast as she. Most of these wolves are only in their 20's or 30's, but she was over 200. She had at least a one and a half centuries of experience, give or take a few decades, they had only a blink of an eye in her time.

They tried their best to out maneuver her, but she had already played this song and dance. Getting to her would mean them trying new moves.

Author's note...

I would like to say thak you if you're reading my other story "Lost and Found".
This chapter started as a thought while I was at work.
Please let me know if you like this chapter and want me to continue. I will do five or six chapters to start it to give you wonderful readers time to decide.

Please don't forget to vote and comment.

Kisses!!! 👄👄

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