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Its been 2 months since the girls came back from amphibia. Everything went back to normal and it was obvious that the girls had grown up during their time there. It was like everything was normal,except from the little part of each girl s soul. A part from their heart like a glass shard painted with every single memory each of them had in amphibia. There was one thing though that couldnt give marcy peace and a normal sleep schedule and that thing was no other than her friend anne.
The time had passed and their relationship grew daily,but there was one thing marcy had never told anyone because she was too embarassed to confess her true feelings towards anne,she wouldve definitely been left speechless. During darcy s existence marcy wasnt able to actually acces her real memories and thoughts,but there was one thing that kept her sane in those very dark days. The only band aid she could feel on her soul while not being able to actually understand anything was a blue bracelet she got from anne once. She could barely remember who she was or what was happening,but she held onto that bracelet because it was the only thing that could make her feel something and that something was the purest feeling someone could ever experience,love.
That comforting feeling was the thing that kept her up at night. She was so in love with anne she could barely think of anything else. She could barely pay attention in her classes anymore which was a big red flag for marcy wu. All she could reply in her head were all the moments anne helped her,all the moments she had been there for her,all the moments she had saved her from falling or getting hit by a car. All those moments would paint the perfect picture in marcy s head at night,along with the most beautiful memory they have experienced togheter,their reunion in amphibia.
Marcy had never been able to express the way she felt in that moment towards anne because all this time she thought that the idea of anne liking her back was just stupid. That wasn't because anne was mean to her in any way,but because marcy wouldnt accept the idea of being liked back by such an amazing person.
On a tuesday,a day on which marcy was hoping she wouldnt have gotten out of bed,everything became worse thanks to her parents. Both her mom and dad but especially her dad have always been strict when it came to grades and since all marcy had in her mind was her very good friend,her grades started going downhill. Unfortunately,this led to one of the worst fights with her father,right before she had to go see anne. Sick of everything that wore the label of"school",she slammed her bedroom door and tried to cover up all her tears with makeup. This was weird in all the possible ways because marcy wu never wears makeup.Never. But she felt that this day,this specific awful day could only be covered by all the possible makeup products she could find.
After looking like she was ready to go directly to prom,marcy didnt even care enough to look into her mirror and went straight to anne s house,hoping that the only thing that could cure all her problems was anne s unforgettable smile.
Anne was more than happy to see her friend marcy as always,greeting her with the warmest hug and compliments on her makeup,not knowing the story behind the whole portrait marcy had painted.
They went to anne s room as always and started brainstorming about things to do. One thing was clear though,marcy wasnt the same as always and anne could definitely see that.
After literally asking marcy if she wanted to play all the possible games or watch all her favorite movies and getting rejected,anne decided to finally ask her friend what was wrong.
"Whats wrong mar mar?you dont seem as happy as always."
That was the moment marcy felt like she couldnt take it anymore. Her brain was full of words.or feelings?words described in feelings or feelings described in words?friends,but possible lovers. That was her only concern,the only thing that mattered. All those thoughts bottled up in marcy s brain and heart exploded in that exact moment anne put the point on the i. She tried letting out words but all she could do was burst out into tears in front of the only person she never wanted to show her weak side to,her one and only love,anne. Crystal tears were covering marcy s face like a mirror. A mirror of her soul and feelings.
Anne hugged her really tight,confused but knowing that no matter what the problem with her dear marcy was,she had to be there for her.
None of them knew how to act in that exact moment until marcy pulled out of her pocket something. Anne didnt realise what it was since she was very confused about the situation,until she saw the blue color of the one and only bracelet she had given marcy. The bracelet looked a bit old and not in a very good state,but was covered in marcy s tears.marcy s love and was exteriorizing through that bracelet. She couldnt take it anymore,it was eating her soul.
"i love you anne,i have always loved are the reason i decide to get out of bed in the morning,the reason i work very hard at school.cant you realise?all my grades are perfect so you can notice me.all my essays poems and drawings are meant for you.the reason i smile daily is because i think of are the missing piece of my life i have always needed."
speechless.nothing could describe the look on anne s face. Nothing could describe the feeling in her heart. The love of her life liked her back,the one and only she had always waited for. The only one she wanted.
She didnt know how to act,how to respond or how to calm down marcy in any way. No words could ever describe that feeling.that warm feeling. The feeling of love.
a green bracelet. Thats what came out of anne s pocket in that moment. The exact same bracelet marcy was holding,but green.
Marcy s face lit up in that moment,her eyes became beautiful crystal waterfalls full of tears. Tears that had found a home on anne s hands. No words were necessary in any way to describe anne s feelings towards marcy. Both of them were too afraid to ever confess anything,but they were the other person s only reason to smile. The only reason to ever wake up. The only reason to ever exist. Speechless. That was the look on their faces full of comfort and love for each other. No words had to be said. A whole new perfect picture of memories was about to be painted with the love they felt for each other.Fortunately friends,but definitely lovers

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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