Only part bitch

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A/N- Im not fixing this so deal w it. I wrote this December 2020 and I'm ashamed of it, but i want this to exist for some reason... Enjoy to this garbage fire.


I ran down the hallway headed straight for the electrical,this mission has gone downhill since we landed in The Skeld, one of our three bases.Someone decided to turn their back on us and started murdering other crewmates, also known as The Impostor. As one of the nine crewmates I,like the others.have to finish my tasks alone,well not entirely alone I also have my son,Banana, riding atop my yellow helmet. I decided to bring him to teach him how to do this so one day he can do this by himself.
I continued to run to the electrical to fix the wiring, allowing Banana to do one. I had finished the task next was to head to admin to swipe my card but before I could go an emergency meeting had been called by Pink, my sister.

“What happened now,Where was it?” Said Lime,panicking.

“Well,”Started Pink,”Its Orange,he’s dead”

“No way, he was always so careful,”Stated Brown,”Where?”

“I found his body in the 02, he must’ve been cleaning the filters”

At this point we looked over at each other sharing the same look of sadness and confusion.

“I say we skip till we see a vent or another killing.We all should keep an eye out as well.” I say as Banana tugs on my arm.

“Alright, but be careful,we don’t need the most logical of us to get killed.”Says Red.
Red of all of us is the real sweetheart, he once gave Banana a lollipop for pressing the download button on my tablet.

“Alright let's go and get these tasks over with so we can go home.”Pink says enthusiastically.

Me and Banana headed towards the admin dodging past others and I accidentally ran into Red who was clearing trash.

“Mommy I wanna go play with the colored strings again!”Banana says with wide puppy eyes.

“Oh but we already done that sweetie,”I said sadly,But then came a clank noise in the next room.

“Wait here, don’t go anywhere.”I say as I move to the next room.

I walked slowly to the door frame, I gasped, The Impostor had struck again.The clank was from the vent being used.I walk towards the victim.I take out my megaphone and sound a meeting.I run out of the room and find Banana playing with Red.

“Hey there,I heard your call, let's go,”Red says as he heads to the cafeteria.
I pick up Banana and follow in suit to see everyone there except all those who we have lost.

“Where now,who’s dead Yellow?”Said Pink standing by me.

“I heard a clank while headed to admin and found Cyan dead.''I say holding Banana.

“Didn’t see anyone did you?”Said Brown.

“No,just the noises.”

“Kind of sounds suspicious Yellow.”

“Okay now you're just accusing,”Shouts Red from my right side,”Let's just skip again and go and finish.”

We all leave and me and Banana head towards admin,allowing Banana to clear the asteroids along the way.

“This stupid card wont go through!” I shout angrily.

When I finally manage to get the card to work I look to see Banana has begun to spin in the chairs.

“Mommy look at these chairs! This ones faster!” He says excited.

“Oh yeah that one is fast,”I say empathetically. “How about we go find Pink and help her with those wires you're so good at?”

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