The First Day of School

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*Huff Huff Huff* I struggled to breathe and I ducked under a fallen tree and leap over a bush. I had to get away and as fast as I could. I couldn't let it catch me. It was a black figure that stood ten feet tall with red glowing eyes, a mouthful of jagged sharp teeth, gigantic hands that turned into razor sharp fingers, and a voice that turned you blood to ice. When I first caught a glimpse of it, I turned and tried to run but it scratched my back with its fingers. I was able to avoid it up until this point. it had found me at the water bank where when I drank the water, it healed my wounds almost instantly. But now, I was running for my life again.
I got to a clearing and stopped. I couldn't go any further without my lungs bursting. I doubled over and fell to the ground. "Pick a weapon" a voice that had now gender or body sounded scaring me to my feet. "Wh-what?" I questioned spinning around to see if some one was behind me. No one was there. "Pick a weapon." it chimed again. I looked at two pillars that seemed to pop out of no where. one had two hand guns on it. The other had a ball of pure obsidian with a small thumb sized dent in it. I picked up the ball out of curiosity and once the ball was removed from the pillar both pillars disappeared along with the guns. Walls rose all around me, replacing the perfect circle of trees that once surrounded me. there was one problem, there was no exit. I spun when I heard a low growl and saw none other that the figure that had chased me here in the first place.
A loud count down started. I completely forgot about the ball in my hand and flipped out."10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1-" *BEEP BEEP BEEP* My alarm clock screamed at me from the desk next to my bed. I sighed in relief as I turned off the alarm clock. I sat up and got out of bed. I always wore a wife beater tank top and loose batman lounge pants to bed. It was my favorite pair of pajamas. I went out of my room and to the bathroom down the hall. on my way back, I stopped in front of my moms door. "mom? It's time to get up." I heard rustling from where her bed was and knew that meant that she was getting up. I went back to my room and changed into a pair of black skinny jeans, a black t-shirt and a zip up hoodie. I went to the bathroom and brushed my blonde hair that went to the center of my back and put it in a side brain then put on a black beanie. I checked my phone to see if any one called or texted me (which never happens) and went down stairs.
I made pop tarts and grabbed my head phones and my back pack and left the house yelling "love you mom." as I walked out the door. The bus stop for my new school was about nine houses down from where we lived. I put on my head phones and played "fake it" by Seether. when I got to the bus stop there was another kid there, a boy. I stood a good ten feet away from him and secretly studied him as we waited for the bus. I did this to everyone I saw. He was five inches taller than me, with dark, dark brown hair that went to the ball of his neck in the back and stopped right below his eyes in the front. He looked hawiian. He wore a fleece shirt, unbuttoned, with a blue shirt underneath, and loose blue jeans. He was cute.
The bus finally arrived and we got on. I pulled my headphones off and waited to see if he would get on first, but he didn't so I got on first, him right behind me. "good morning Cue." the bus driver said. "Good morning ms. Mary." he said in response. Good God his voice made me melt inside. I was distracted when someone pushed me into a seat. It was a girl in the seat next to me. she was big and seemed mean, but then started to laugh like it was a joke. I sat upright and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. "that wasn't nice mali." the boy named Cue said as he passed me and sat in the seat behind me. "Sorry about her." he said to me as he pulled headphones out of his bag. "I-It's ok." I said nervously. He smiled and put his headphones on. I pulled mine out and put them on too and sat in thought, instead of listening to what was playing, all the way to my new school.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2015 ⏰

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