Walking Cerberus

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Sitting at your desk doing homework you hear a notification from your DDD. With a glance, you see it was from Lucifer. You opened it,

"y/n, I've noticed you keep seeming so disappointed when you see me lately. I wondered if I had done something wrong until I realized I haven't been paying hardly any attention to you. Our last few conversations have been far too short and I'm sorry. Thus, I want to apologize and in addition, invite you out with me to walk Cerberus. I'm finally free of work and we could have a real talk again. I understand however if you're still upset with me. If you'll accept my offer, meet me at the entrance hall in fifteen minutes."

It was true, he had been so wrapped up in work lately and you two could hardly talk. He didn't even come to dinner the past week, just grabbed food and headed back to his study... Despite your annoyance with the sudden notice, you quickly change your clothes, grab your DDD, and start heading to the entrance hall. Lucifer was standing there putting collars on each one of Cerberus's heads. He turned and noticed you standing there, ready to go.

"y/n, I'm glad you decided to come with." He smiled.

"Of course. I thought a walk would be a nice break from homework, and I've been wanting to talk with you anyways."

"Very well then, let's go."

Both of you and Cerberus walked out the door. Cerberus scares most people, demons, angels, and even the brothers except Beel and Lucifer. He scared you at first until you saw he was just like any other dog, just larger and with more heads. Still playful, still protective, still cute. He was just a big puppy who didn't know his strength... Your sweet memories of Cerberus were cut short by Lucifer's voice.

"y/n is everything ok?" His expression was worried.

You realized that neither of you had talked this whole time. He probably thought you were uncomfortable.

"Yeah sorry, just have my head in the clouds. It's not you I promise. " He didn't believe you.

"I truly am sorry I've been neglecting you. This is not to be taken as an excuse, but my work just piled up and I couldn't do anything until it was complete. I certainly didn't enjoy the time without you, or the dinners alone, or the stress and lack of sleep." Frustration was in his voice as he spoke and it seemed like he couldn't put his words together right. 

You noticed how upset he was getting and felt bad for him. He couldn't say no to work, especially from Diavolo, and the expectations set for him are so high.

"I understand Lucifer, it's ok. I know it's not your–"

"It's not ok y/n. The workload is hurting me, you, my brothers. And the work I *have* finished is subpar because of the burnout. I've... I felt it was impossible to ask for help, or even something as simple as an extended deadline. It was below me. But that's not true, not when I have people who need me, not when you need me."

Lucifer stared at the ground as Cerberus happily sniffed at a patch of grass. He began again,

"You mean so much to me y/n. I couldn't imagine the Devildom without you. Your smile, your eyes, your voice, everything about you has been permanently etched into my life. It's always so refreshing to experience that kind of sweetness and honesty. That unwavering support and love. Even the little things you do bring me so much joy. Singing while you clean, the energy you carry when talking about your day, the random facts you learn and share with everyone... You deserve far better than being ignored in exchange for completed work, I'm so sorry."

You were tearing up. Didn't know how to respond. You did what felt right, and held him. Immediately Lucifer held you back tightly. He gently rubbed your back and ignored Cerberus's attempts to continue walking. Both of you were holding each other silently, but a deep understanding and love were being shared between the two of you. A moment passed until Lucifer finally pulled away. You could see his coat damp with your tears, but he didn't seem to care. He spoke once more, breaking the silence,

"y/n, I promise from here on out I'll always make time for you. No matter how much work I get, I don't ever want to see you crying from something I've done." He turned to you trying to see your reaction.

"Thank you. I can't... It's hard to explain but I appreciated this. This talk. I feel so much better and I don't feel like I'm losing you anymore."

You could see in his face that stung, but he quickly recovered. He offered you his hand and a small smile. You took it. You both went on with your walk, talking, joking, holding hands, laughing at the things Cerberus did...It was finally comfortable again between you two. Eventually, the walk was over and you headed home. When you walked through the door the house was dark, and quiet. Everyone else was asleep or gone for the night. With the promise of coming back fast, Lucifer walked Cerberus down to his spot under the house. When he returned you embraced, and softly kissed each other before both retiring to Lucifer's room for the night. He held you close all night, cautious not to wake you even when he couldn't sleep. He truly cared about nothing more than your happiness...and you knew it. 

Thank you so much for reading <3 this is my first ever fic and any support or tips are greatly appreciated. 

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