chapter one

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- Two weeks after lucius and * basically everyone💀💀 * -

Yami walked into the blue rose base, a cigarette in his hand and a gloomy expression on his face.
  The war against lucius zongratis and they won but lost so much in the process. Yami lost his mentor, someone who was supposed to pod t clover kingdom was the reason it nearly ended , he was thankful that charlotte managed to survive but she has been unconscious ever since the battle.

" Is she still asleep?" Yami asked even though he knew what the answer was probably going to be. The blue rose squads' vice captain, puli angel, nodded signifying a yes. The squad has been holding  up okay but was still obviously distraught at the sight of their uncautious captain. Yami crushed his cigarette and shoved it into his pants before entering her room, he knew that she always hated the smell of the smoke from the cigarette. He stared at her , sleeping peacefully and a small smirk fount its way onto his face. He had wanted to talk to her about her confession after the ceremony but couldn't thanks to lucius, planned to confront after the fight and now she was unconscious. Great. " You should wake up soon prickly queen, your squad needs you. Maybe after you fully heal we could go for some dinner. My treat this time. Rest well charlotte." he gave her a pat on her head and left.

wake up soonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن