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'I sometimes wonder if i was only created to be the disappointment of everyone.' said by the girl laying down in her bed.

She was moving into 4 different homes by now that she doesn't think she'll have people that would stay by her side anymore.

Well of course her moving into houses have several months or years of gaps. It's not like she's rich.

Her black calming eyes, dyed gray hair and brownish skin tone. It was a simple look.

She has the type of personality to box up everything she feels. Just like watching the person you love to see in your life everyday just be there.

"She" is named Jax Alinal.

Ever since she moved in her current house, she has her eyes on a girl that barely smiles when at home.

Always frowning, always getting shouted at but everytime Jax passed by Kali with her friends, she always tends to notice that she has more emotion in her face rather than at home.

Jax had wished that she too can make her smile and not just some weird neighbor that always looks at you.

'If I were just in the same school as you or been someone in your life that you don't want to let go. A friend that you want to be with everyday.'

  Author's Note:
I have to ask if there are any interested that would make me want to continue it?

Have a great day people.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2022 ⏰

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