it's been weeks..... where is he?

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After breaking into the neighbor's basement Nicky suffered a terrible fate one that got him in prison forever in the neighbor's basement...... it has been weeks since it's disappearance police have been up and down the street and have no lead on who did it and no one has noticed anything suspicious that has been going on besides the police and six unlucky kids...... strange isn't it..??? Our story takes six kids on a journey to save their friend from a crazy guy who just wanted his family again.........

Ben/ Bagger: yo guys where's Nicky? he hasn't been to school in weeks

Trinity Bales/ leader: I don't know so he didn't tell any of us that he would be gone for that long......

Enzo Esposito/ Detective: is he okay ?

Sammy/ Scout: he better be cuz if not I swear ( grabs slingshot )

Maritza Esposito/ Brave: yeah I'm not afraid to fight someone from my friend trust me when I find that somebody they'll regret it.. ( gives everyone a glare )

Isaac/ inventor: yeah but we need to think about what we would be doing if we did do the

Ben/ Bagger: yeah Isaac is right need a plan we can't just barge and then say give us are you friend or we're going to smash your whole property honestly do you want to go to jail for doing that?

Enzo Esposito/ Detective: no but while you like it or not if we don't our friend could die so it's our lives are his or whoever else he took Plus if we find any evidence on who took him we would be heroes and he would be put in jail for good that's a better reward than anything

Sammy/ Scout: okay but we need to find a way so you don't get busted ourselves...

Trinity Bales/ Leader: Maybe if we take the evidence to the police office and just leave and don't explain how he got it we could be off the hook for breaking interest property in the first place

Maritza Esposito/ Brave: yeah but how did he take him in the first place cuz I sure like to know so I can take him and lock him up!!!

Trinity Bales/ Leader: maybe one of his parents know but we should talk about that after we get him that way we can tell them that he is safe before we ask that kind of question that way we don't scare them

Ben/ Bagger: all right but me we need some supplies we can't just break in without knowing what could be there sure we know a kidnapper loser but we don't know what gender, or what they have. And where Nicky is locked at we need to think about what we would need

Isaac/ inventor: I'll invent what we need that way we don't need to waste our money especially if they want us to pay off the damage we do so what do you guys think we would need? ( grabs a piece of paper and pen )

Trinity Bales/ Leader: for starters we would need a way to see because we can't do it at daytime or else the cops will catch us immediately so that would mean we can only do it at night

Isaac/ inventor: anything else?.

Bianca: well we need something to fight off the kidnapper with and boxes will be perfect for that I have a bunch of old ones in my basement we never use they would be the perfect fit

Isaac/ inventor: so we might need more boxes if we don't have enough from your basement ok... (Writes down)

Sammy: Scout: we need energy because we're going to spend the whole night out not sleeping so I need a source of food to keep us energized since we can't have coffee yet.......

Isaac/ Inventor: okay so we need to supply some food just in case we run out of energy because we're going to spend the whole night there ok... is there anything else we need?

Enzo Esposito/ Detective: we need somewhere to put evidence in case we find any that's why I brought backs for everyone to hide our evidence from the kidnapper just try not to let him see it that way he doesn't know we are giving him away to the cops

Isaac/ inventor: okay so we might need more bags if we don't have enough room to hide our evidence from the kidnapper okay is that all?

Trinity Bales/ Leader: I think but we have school tomorrow I suggest we do it on Saturday that way we don't have to go back immediately after we start does that sound good sqaud?

Ben/ Bagger: sounds good

Enzo Esposito/ Detective: yep

Maritza Esposito/ Brave: yep I'm always ready to jump in action

Sammy/ Scout: yep and I'm I'm always ready to fight

Isaac/ inventor: yep I'm I think everything is in order lucky.....

Trinity Bales/ leader: good meet me at my place tomorrow that way we can we can show all the items we asked for to see if we need more supplies and to make sure we all know the plan sounds good?

All: Yes sounds good!!!.

Trinity Bales / leader: all right then let's get ready to catch us a creepy neighbor with a bad habit

( they all walked out of the lunch room heading to the next classes waiting for the days to go by so that they can finally save their friend from the evil clutches of the kidnapper little did they know the kidnapper was actually the neighbor a criminal that has been investigated by the police millions of times for stealing personal property and other kids though he was never arrested since they never found him because he had a bunch of houses that he would live in that way if they figured out where he was living he can move on to the next house and he did that for years no wonder they didn't catch him that little sneak but that's all about to change within the hands of six kids.... And the hands of the law....)

( remember this game is not created by me also this chapter I came up with since I didn't know how the kids figured out about his disappearance so I came up with this idea that they figured it out because he was in that school for weeks if I do figure out the real reason they figured out I will update this in the near future but as of now it will remain the same until further notice thank you all for your patience and enjoy the secret within the neighbor.... you won't regret it :) also if I figure out the other names of the other three kids at some point I'll let you know and update that as well if I figure out but time will tell I guess...... )

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2022 ⏰

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